Homemade Pizza hints tips and advice please...

Homemade Pizza hints tips and advice please...



Original Poster:

24,314 posts

231 months

Saturday 21st October 2023
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Have just started to do this, and enjoying the results, but thought Id see what I could improve.

Currently use this dough :

and add Mutti topping, with a mix of cheddar and Mozzarella and musroom currently.

Have a stone, that goes into the oven which is flat out, for at least 40/45 minutes.

The base is ok, but not quite as cooked as Id like.

Also, even rolling pretty thin, it still tastes a little to doughy/floury - only using plain flour on the counter to rollout and to stop it sticking to the stone.


22,711 posts

132 months

Saturday 21st October 2023
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Original Poster:

24,314 posts

231 months

Saturday 21st October 2023
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Ah, didnt come up on search....ta