Convert me to love hot chocolate!

Convert me to love hot chocolate!



Original Poster:

1,055 posts

224 months

Sunday 15th October 2023
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Hi All,
I don’t do hot drinks. Never got into tea or coffee of any kind, however, I do like a nice piece of chocolate. Almost a year ago, I took Mrs.Chips to a Halloween party at a nearby cafe. As part of the evening food and drink were included, but the drink was, “luxury” hot chocolate. I was convinced by the family to try it and although I was a little apprehensive, I thought I would try to make it more chocolatey by dissolving one of those chocolate things on a stick in it. I drank it, but didn’t really enjoy it as it just wasn’t chocolatey enough.
Is there any hope for me? Can someone out there please suggest a hot chocolate that will give me the same level of chocolate enjoyment as a nice bar of reasonable quality chocolate or am I doomed to miss out forever?
I should point out that I have try a number of different hot chocolates since, including some that have been “velvetised,” but haven’t finished them as they were not as good as the one I didn’t really enjoy at last Halloween. Help please. All positive responses will be greatly appreciated.


6,660 posts

288 months

Sunday 15th October 2023
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I usually get one of these for xmas. Make with hot milk, add some cream, and occasionally rum. Fabulous as either alcoholic or plain


45,106 posts

160 months

Sunday 15th October 2023
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I actually really like McDonanlds hot chocolate. It's always piping hot, chocolatey with just the right amount of sweetness. And 99p


5,857 posts

233 months

Sunday 15th October 2023
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Best one we’ve tried - not too sweet but so rich and chocolatey.


6,660 posts

288 months

Sunday 15th October 2023
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Voldemort said:
I usually get one of these for xmas. Make with hot milk, add some cream, and occasionally rum. Fabulous as either alcoholic or plain
dhead! I forgot the link -


2,729 posts

107 months

Sunday 15th October 2023
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I would personally forget all the chocolate mixes / bars / sticks / chips etc. and use cocoa powder and sugar in hot milk.

I use the Dualit heated frother to mix and heat it as it gives the same texture effect as the Velvetiser.

By adding the milk, cocoa and sugar separately you can adjust the different components to suit your own taste.

I add three teaspoons of cocoa, 1 1/4 teaspoons of sugar to a mug of hot milk.

Want it more chocolatey add more cocoa.

Earl of Hazzard

3,630 posts

168 months

sean ie3

2,494 posts

146 months

Sunday 15th October 2023
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Lindt have a good hot chocolate, nicer than the Green & Black's is the consensus.


951 posts

192 months

Sunday 15th October 2023
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Italian hot chocolate is the answer. None of the pre mix stuff will get close.

Try something like this made with real chocolate and cocoa powder. Thickened with cornflour you can make whatever consistency you want.


605 posts

187 months

Sunday 15th October 2023
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Try using an alternate (unsweetened) milk ie; Soy, oat etc. They can add a nice nutty flavour.


14,028 posts

225 months

Sunday 15th October 2023
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The best I have ever tasted.
Its made in the far north north west of Scotland where people need cheering and warming up.


1,989 posts

262 months

Monday 16th October 2023
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Knoops 65%. They have various other options but this is the one I like best

Not cheap as it works out at around £1.50 a mug (around £11 for a pack) but this is the real deal.

Mr Penguin

2,873 posts

49 months

Monday 16th October 2023
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We also use Charbonnel et Walker, but the biggest difference you can notice will be to go from powders to grated solid chocolate.

RB Will

10,034 posts

250 months

Monday 16th October 2023
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Firstly whatever else you do make sure it is made with milk and not water.

When you say you have tried “velvetised” ones do you just mean tried frothing up a normal powdered choc? The wife bought me one of the Hotel Chocolate Velvetisers for Xmas. The hot choc packs they sell you to go in it are proper grated chocolate chunks. I’ve really liked all of the flavours I’ve tried and the texture.
I tried making a choc from powdered choc in it and it was rubbish.
Everyone that has tried it has liked the hotel chocolate one with friends and family going off and buying their own after. They do various flavours and various strengths of just chocolate.

Keep a can of squirty cream handy too, I find that always elevates a hot choc, and other things wink

Out and about Costa’s hot choc is my favourite, just make sure if you get a flavoured one to give it a good stir


18,638 posts

210 months

Monday 16th October 2023
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You need to use proper chocolate and not powder or cocoa and you need to use full fat milk. You also need to do more than just heat the chocolate in the milk. If you want really good hot chocolate you need top quality chocolate grated, usually at least 70% but you will find the one that works for you and then melt it into aerated hot milk. The hotel chocolat velvetizer is great for that. 200ml full fat milk and 35g of grated chocolate. You don’t have to use their chocolate any chocolate grated in that quantity will work


14,028 posts

225 months

Monday 16th October 2023
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Real decedence is 50/50 milk and double cream cloud9


3,100 posts

191 months

Monday 16th October 2023
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Gren said:
Knoops 65%. They have various other options but this is the one I like best

Not cheap as it works out at around £1.50 a mug (around £11 for a pack) but this is the real deal.
Knoops for sure.

I don’t particularly enjoy hot chocolate but a friend took me to the local one in St Albans and i was converted


18,638 posts

210 months

Monday 16th October 2023
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sherman said:
Real decedence is 50/50 milk and double cream cloud9
I do that sometimes but not always because well you know waistline etc

My favourites are either montezumas chilli bonkers grated (74% dark and chilli) or their white chocolate

In the veletizer. 100ml whole milk 100ml double cream. Extra grated chocolate on the top


Original Poster:

1,055 posts

224 months

Monday 16th October 2023
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Hi Guys,
Thanks for all the replies so far, plenty of things for me to try.


1,209 posts

39 months

Sunday 22nd October 2023
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Mr.Chips said:
Hi Guys,
Thanks for all the replies so far, plenty of things for me to try.
I'm a chocolate addict but not a huge fan of hot chocolate. However, I find it's something to be grateful for - it means that I don't consume even more unhealthy stuff above and beyond what I already do!

Be careful what you wish for!