How do you have your hot dogs?

How do you have your hot dogs?



Original Poster:

760 posts

72 months

Saturday 14th October 2023
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With this cold setting in, it got me thinking about autumn / winter foods.

No idea why, but Halloween and bonfire night always reminds me of hotdogs. I got a craving and got some big boys.

So how should I have them?

I have onion / sauces, cheese.

How do you have hot dogs?

The reply that makes my mouth water I will try and cook it that way.


33,578 posts

186 months

Saturday 14th October 2023
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Ketchup, yellow mustard, cooked (caramelised) onions and a little sauerkraut.


2,052 posts

134 months

Saturday 14th October 2023
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Try topping them with chili con carne. Bit more to cook but it goes surprisingly well on hot dogs. I was sober-ish was conducted. Your mileage may vary.


2,028 posts

33 months

Saturday 14th October 2023
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Lightly toast the bun, it makes a lot of difference.


13,054 posts

250 months

Saturday 14th October 2023
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Danish style. Crispy and fried onions, gherkins, mustard, ketchup.


3,943 posts

145 months

Monday 16th October 2023
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Levin is correct, chilli cheese dogs are the way to go , just make sure to use decent rolls otherwise it’ll get messy quickly.


186 posts

24 months

Monday 16th October 2023
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Grilled Hot Dog, Tiger Baguette, Fried onions and a topping of home made cola pulled pork


2,533 posts

233 months

Monday 16th October 2023
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ChrisH79 said:
Grilled Hot Dog, Tiger Baguette, Fried onions and a topping of home made cola pulled pork
Oof that sounds good.


Original Poster:

760 posts

72 months

Sunday 29th October 2023
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So I had some the other day after the original post.

I caramelised some onion with sauger and some sauce’s I had around.

Looks awful but was nice.

Today I’m trying something different. WILL TRY ALL OF YOUR SUGGESTIONS.

Toasted buns.
American cheese.
HOT sauce.
Red sauce and American mustard.
Crispy onions.
And sauerkraut.

All wrapped ready for later.


2,350 posts

194 months

Sunday 29th October 2023
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Non-toasted hotdog rolls split down the centre, fried onion, plastic cheese, decent quality frankfurter, line of mustard and line of ketchup.

Then try not to eat six in a row and feel violently sick and burping smoky frankfurter for the rest of the day hehe


3,918 posts

146 months

Sunday 29th October 2023
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One of the best things about a Costco trip is one of their king dongs in bread!


14,039 posts

225 months

Sunday 29th October 2023
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14,039 posts

225 months

Sunday 29th October 2023
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Mac and cheese with bbq sauce as per a recent hotdog I had at a smokehouse.

sherman said:


6,193 posts

255 months

Monday 30th October 2023
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What's a decent supermarket beef hotdog brand? These?

They don't look very long smile


436 posts

95 months

Monday 30th October 2023
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2,039 posts

25 months

Monday 30th October 2023
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Haven't had Frankfurters for years, started buying Bratwursts instead as a change and never went back - equally good smothered in the usual sauces, condiments and sauerkraut. No matter what the sausage, I feel they taste so much better either cooked in a high temp oven for a short amount of time, grilled or even done over open flames on the BBQ, adds so much flavour to the skins!

Edited by CKY on Monday 30th October 10:58


567 posts

112 months

Monday 30th October 2023
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Rollin said:
What's a decent supermarket beef hotdog brand? These?

They don't look very long smile
I’ve never tried a beef hotdog so might give these ago. I picked some of these up to try this week. Pork hotdogs with high ‘meat content’ and the have a Great Taste award which I’ve found pretty reliable in the past.

Challenge now is to find a suitable bun to accommodate the hotdog with toppings. Any suggestions?


17,616 posts

209 months

Monday 30th October 2023
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Made some the other night...

Pork & Chorizo sausages.
Bread rolls
A tin of Stag Chilli
Grated Cheese

Antony Moxey

9,119 posts

229 months

Monday 30th October 2023
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Roll the sausages in curry powder then wrap in bacon using cocktail sticks to keep the bacon in place. Cook the sausages then put them in rolls lined with thick slices of smoked cheese topped with a homemade relish. Wrap in foil then cook for a few minutes more to melt the cheese. Finish off with crispy onion flakes, a box of serviettes and a glass of cold lager. Repeat at least once more, and cook it all on a BBQ rather than indoors. Laugh at your guests trying not to spill it down themselves.

HD Adam

5,155 posts

194 months

Monday 30th October 2023
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I buy Vietnamese Bahn Mi buns (best French Bread ever) from my local PHO restaurant, cook Beer Brats on the grill & top with home made Sauerkraut & seedy mustard.
