Fig tree



Original Poster:

12,074 posts

171 months

Tuesday 10th October 2023
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So, was given a cutting from a mate around May June time, was about 9-10 inches tall, very scraggly and in a small pot with not much soil… went straight in to the greenhouse, now been potted on twice…

And, close up,

Baby figs smile
I’m thinking it’s too late in the year now for these to ripen… any fig growers out there? What can I expect? Thanks chaps, BS

Stella Tortoise

2,918 posts

153 months

Tuesday 10th October 2023
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All I know is that the one near my childhood home was bloody massive.


3,484 posts

163 months

Tuesday 10th October 2023
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Yes, the small ones now will probably fall off (they do on an outside one, but not sure in a greenhouse)

They tend to grow fairly fast!

My dad has a fairly large one and this year has been the best year for figs!

Edited by Lynchie999 on Tuesday 10th October 16:20

indi pearl

319 posts

207 months

Tuesday 10th October 2023
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I started a fig from a given cutting some 20 years ago. From that one cutting , and one house move later I have grown 11 figs trees, five of which are just starting to drop their leaves after giving us some 70 ripe fruits between July and today, 30 of which reside in the freezer.
The cutting you have is almost certainly a Turkish Brown which is fully hardy in the UK and would be best planted against a south or sunny east or west facing wall or fence. Plant it out now so that the roots establish over the winter. Growth is reasonably slow and they are easy to keep under control and best kept as a large bush rather than a tall tree.
There are two crops a year, one starts in early spring from pea sized figs on new wood and will provide ripe fruit in July/August. There will be second crop starting as the first ripens but this will usually be to late to ripen and must be discarded at leaf drop.
Nothing beats two skinned ripe figs cut into quarters, drizzled with muscovado sugar and a teaspoon of dark rum served with homemade vanilla panna cotta.


Original Poster:

12,074 posts

171 months

Wednesday 11th October 2023
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Great info, thanks guys.... On the rare occasions I've bought fresh figs I've quarter cut the top, opened it out a bit, inserted strong blue cheese, then drizzled with honey... smile


2,030 posts

224 months

Wednesday 11th October 2023
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Our fig has gone massive this year but unfortunately the majority of the fruit has come to late to grow to a decent size.

If you are planting out, line the side of the hole with slabs to restrict root growth:

As noted above, it's suggested to remove the bigger fruits at the end of the summer: