Pancake cake!



Original Poster:

11,611 posts

219 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
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Very random today as decided to make a pancake cake, purchased this from Tesco (other stores available)
Just add water and shake the bottle for 2 mins, I then poured it into my slow cooker lined with greaseproof paper and cooked on high for 2 hours, popped it out and sliced off a bit and drizzled with maple syrup and some sliced strawberries yum

Super Sonic

7,881 posts

64 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
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Pics. With custard. (or maple syrup)


Original Poster:

11,611 posts

219 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
quotequote all
Super Sonic said:
Pics. With custard. (or maple syrup)
I will when i make the next one