Sugar free syrups (not for coffee)

Sugar free syrups (not for coffee)



Original Poster:

355 posts

51 months

Friday 29th September 2023
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Looking for personal recommendations for sugar free syrups to use as an alternative. I'm trying to reduce my sweet tooth which is a battle but i have been suggested trying some greek yoghurt, maybe some strawberries and a drizzling of syrup. Syrup i would normally have is golden syrup, maple or like a dessert type sauce - so hoping to make small changes which will help by moving to sugar free.

there are lots out there MyProtein, the skinny food co, bulk etc but i have no experience of these and wanted to get a steer on which ones are actually half decent.

Look forward to any suggestions


742 posts

67 months

Saturday 30th September 2023
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Tried both. Little difference between the 2. Both quite watery and taste quite "chemically" for me. Used mostly in porridge and didn't replace either.

Personally, for me it was much easier to just fight the sugar cravings and overcome that.

Think some supermarkets stock skinny food co stuff including the budget shops like B&M etc.


1,471 posts

55 months

Saturday 30th September 2023
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Instead of replacing by a fake product,why don't you reduce gradually?

Instead of using 3 table spoons of golden syrup. Use just a couple for a week or 2, then 1 table spoon for another couple of weeks. And finally only use fresh fruits through your yogurt. Go for low glycemic index fruits if possible.

It takes around 3 months for the body to get out of the sugar crave.