Protein/healthy bars with low unsaturated fat and low sugar

Protein/healthy bars with low unsaturated fat and low sugar



Original Poster:

669 posts

25 months

Friday 29th September 2023
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I've been snacking on Huel bars for years, but they're stopping these now.

I'm not after building protein, just a snack bar which isn't too unhealthy.

Does anyone know of any protein/healthy bars which have < 2g saturated fat and < 15g sugar per 100g?


2,814 posts

212 months

Friday 29th September 2023
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These may suit. I often buy them and find them pretty tasty.


5,161 posts

225 months

Friday 29th September 2023
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Fulfil bars are nice but over your Saturated fat requirements.


Original Poster:

669 posts

25 months

Friday 6th October 2023
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Heathwood said:
These may suit. I often buy them and find them pretty tasty.
My only concern is: looking at the nutritional information there's a lot of carbs not accounted-for.

I have a feeling most of the carbs are maltitol (artificial sugar/sugar alcohol).

Edited by tele_lover on Friday 6th October 08:07


7,082 posts

228 months

Friday 6th October 2023
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Make your own. Mash a banana and one scoop of the protein powder of your choice. Shape into bar-ish shapes and bake for 15-20mins. Add nuts if you want to really go wild.


633 posts

111 months

Friday 6th October 2023
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I bought a few of these energy bars on a whim when purchasing my usual protein, they're tasty and don't leave me feeling as heavy as most actual protein bars do

I'd not looked at the nutritionals, but 1g of saturated fat and 11g of sugar per bar is pretty good