Why is this so unhealthy? (Calories and fat!)

Why is this so unhealthy? (Calories and fat!)



Original Poster:

9,942 posts

188 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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I'm assuming it's the pastry? I know very little about pastry, despite loving cooking I've never really done pies and I don't bake, but I have done this recipe a few times assuming it wasn't too bad for you, what with chicken, milk, some salad-type stuff etc......


4,394 posts

109 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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Pastry is just flour and butter, so that's where all the calories are coming from.

Just enjoy in moderation, as with everything else that is 'unhealthy'


Original Poster:

9,942 posts

188 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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Gary29 said:
Pastry is just flour and butter, so that's where all the calories are coming from.

Just enjoy in moderation, as with everything else that is 'unhealthy'
Dammit, guess I had an idea what made pastry, didn't realise it was that bad though frown

I'll put it on the list of shocks I've had in the culinary world along with realising how bad hollandaise sauce is!


24,867 posts

185 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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There is nothing inherently unhealthy about that dish, it depends on what else you've eaten that day and much you've moved.


Original Poster:

9,942 posts

188 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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Wills2 said:
There is nothing inherently unhealthy about that dish, it depends on what else you've eaten that day and much you've moved.

I usually only eat dinner during the week, and am currently rehabbing from ACL surgery, so some squats, 4km on the static bike etc etc.....so maybe I don't need to beat myself up too much.
That said, me and Mrs UTH usually eat the whole thing between two when it says it's for four!


4,887 posts

148 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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Looks lovely, although Id make the filling in a casserole dish and then just put a pastry lid on for the final bake and use a lot less of the unhealthy stuff

Im wasted on PH.......


28,634 posts

171 months

Thursday 28th September 2023
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numtumfutunch said:
Looks lovely, although Id make the filling in a casserole dish and then just put a pastry lid on for the final bake and use a lot less of the unhealthy stuff

Im wasted on PH.......
That's not a pie. It's a casserole with a hat.


6,477 posts

33 months

Thursday 28th September 2023
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98elise said:
numtumfutunch said:
Looks lovely, although Id make the filling in a casserole dish and then just put a pastry lid on for the final bake and use a lot less of the unhealthy stuff

Im wasted on PH.......
That's not a pie. It's a casserole with a hat.
Slighly off topic, but I can't help but be disappointed if I order a pie in a pub or restaurant and end up with a dish of pie filling with a lump of something that resembles expanding foam sat on top.


28,634 posts

171 months

Thursday 28th September 2023
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Silvanus said:
98elise said:
numtumfutunch said:
Looks lovely, although Id make the filling in a casserole dish and then just put a pastry lid on for the final bake and use a lot less of the unhealthy stuff

Im wasted on PH.......
That's not a pie. It's a casserole with a hat.
Slighly off topic, but I can't help but be disappointed if I order a pie in a pub or restaurant and end up with a dish of pie filling with a lump of something that resembles expanding foam sat on top.
My comment was tongue in cheek, but I agree when it's restaurant food. A pie is pastry with a filling, not a casserole with bit of pastry on top.

At home it's entirely up to you how you cook it though smile