Toad in the hole



Original Poster:

26,259 posts

202 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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Not made one in ages, had a go last night and while it did rise, it wasn't by as much as I'd like, any tips?

I used 1 medium egg, 75g flour and about 90ml of semi skimmed for a fairly thick batter
Sausages in the oven for 15 minutes to release some fat, then put the tin on the hob to keep it hot while I poured in the batter, then back in the over for 30 minutes without opening the door. When I poured it on the batter was probably about 5mm deep.

Bonefish Blues

30,123 posts

233 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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Dunno, but watching because my wife consistently makes toad-on-pancakes.


5,765 posts

88 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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For that amount of flour and milk I'd use 2 eggs.

My standard mix is 4 eggs/140g flour/200 ml milk. Seasoning and a half teaspoon of mustard powder.


3,559 posts

154 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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Oven needs to be HOT really hot. Tray needs to be smoking when you pour the batter.


1,978 posts

29 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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Self raising and whisk in all the bubbles, add to the tin asap and shove it in the oven, that'll get it going. The batter doesn't need to be that thick tbh.


6,477 posts

33 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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That looks like an odd mix. This is my mix and it never fails.

125g srtrong white flour (not self raising)
2 medium eggs plus 1 extra yoke
150ml of milk
150ml of water
1/2 teaspoon salt

Whisk everything together and rest for 1 hour. Preheat oven to around 210 degrees. Get your oil nice and hot, animal fat is best if you have it. I prefer to use ceramic or glass over a metal tin. Pre cook the sausages until they start to turn golden, then add the batter to the hot oil, it should sizzle. Cook for about 20 minutes. The base should be about half an inch thick and the sides will fluff up nicely.


Original Poster:

26,259 posts

202 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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oven was 200 and the mix was from BBC good food site. sound like try more egg next time is the main thing


54,892 posts

265 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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I crank it up to 230 when I do them.


5,765 posts

88 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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RizzoTheRat said:
oven was 200 and the mix was from BBC good food site. sound like try more egg next time is the main thing
I'd also notch up the oven a bit. 230 conventional, 210 fan.


3,609 posts

213 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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Easternlight said:
Oven needs to be HOT really hot. Tray needs to be smoking when you pour the batter.
Very much this.

If the oven is PROPERLY hot when put the batter in then it will rise almost immediately (and spit like an angry cat!) I'm not sure it's possible to have the oven *too hot* for Toad in the Hole.


2,538 posts

231 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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Nowhere near enough eggs.

Our recipe uses 4 eggs and makes 12 decent sized puds.


1,643 posts

30 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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This one works for me…

As stated above, as hot as you can get your oven is best.

Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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Equal volumes of milk, eggs and flour for the batter.

Same as a Yorkshire Pudding.



4,603 posts

92 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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Silvanus said:
That looks like an odd mix. This is my mix and it never fails.

125g srtrong white flour (not self raising)
2 medium eggs plus 1 extra yoke
150ml of milk
150ml of water
1/2 teaspoon salt

Whisk everything together and rest for 1 hour. Preheat oven to around 210 degrees. Get your oil nice and hot, animal fat is best if you have it. I prefer to use ceramic or glass over a metal tin. Pre cook the sausages until they start to turn golden, then add the batter to the hot oil, it should sizzle. Cook for about 20 minutes. The base should be about half an inch thick and the sides will fluff up nicely.
this is HFGS recipe halved...

edit HFW even!


4,603 posts

92 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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which is my go to. More water makes it crisper.


6,477 posts

33 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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theplayingmantis said:
Silvanus said:
That looks like an odd mix. This is my mix and it never fails.

125g srtrong white flour (not self raising)
2 medium eggs plus 1 extra yoke
150ml of milk
150ml of water
1/2 teaspoon salt

Whisk everything together and rest for 1 hour. Preheat oven to around 210 degrees. Get your oil nice and hot, animal fat is best if you have it. I prefer to use ceramic or glass over a metal tin. Pre cook the sausages until they start to turn golden, then add the batter to the hot oil, it should sizzle. Cook for about 20 minutes. The base should be about half an inch thick and the sides will fluff up nicely.
this is HFGS recipe halved...

edit HFW even!
It is, been doing it that way ever since I saw him do it, the extra yoke makes all the difference.


8,235 posts

90 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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As has been said you need equal volume. I do 140g flour, 4 eggs, 200mil milk.

Now you need the oven hot as fk. Heat the pan and the oil for a while until its smoking. Pour the mix in.

Once you put it in the oven DO NOT open the door untill you take it out 25-30mins later. After 15-20mins turn the oven down to crisp it without burning.


5,080 posts

202 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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I've found adding around 50-100ml of IPA to the batter works pretty well and helps with aeration, was dubious at first but saw online lots of people swear by it.


4,591 posts

243 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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Scabutz said:
As has been said you need equal volume. I do 140g flour, 4 eggs, 200mil milk.

Now you need the oven hot as fk. Heat the pan and the oil for a while until its smoking. Pour the mix in.

Once you put it in the oven DO NOT open the door untill you take it out 25-30mins later. After 15-20mins turn the oven down to crisp it without burning.
Flat out for 10 mins then down to 180 for 13-15 mins here


14,039 posts

225 months

Friday 22nd September 2023
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If the fat doesnt scald your eyeballs coming out of the oven its not hot enough.

Cook the sausages at 200c for 10mins in the dish. Remove and set aside. Add lard to the djsh whilst increasing temp to 230c. Replace sausages and pour in yorkshire batter mix. Cook at 230 until golden.