Rice pudding



Original Poster:

12,074 posts

171 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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I love it.. many ways of doing it, different toppings (or none)….
How do you have yours ?


7,259 posts

175 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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baconsarney said:
I love it.. many ways of doing it, different toppings (or none)….
How do you have yours ?
I like it cold (well, room temperature, not straight out of the fridge) with stewed apple and cinnamon

Wacky Racer

39,268 posts

257 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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I have (usually) at least one tin a day for the last fifty years.

Used to love school rice pudding, hot and sloppy, especially with a skin on top.


12,087 posts

219 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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Last week I made what was probably the most ridiculous rice pudding involving normal pudding rice with whole milk, unrefined caster sugar, fresh vanilla pods, egg yolks and a 900g pack of clotted cream I found in a freezer.

Changed my mind on rice pudding as school was probably the last time I was forced to eat it.

The Gauge

3,783 posts

23 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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The problem I have with tinned rice pudding is that I usually start eating it straight from the tin after opening. Saves on washing up I guess.

It's the same with ready made custard in those Del-monte orange juice type cartons, I snip the corner off with scissors and drink it straight from the carton. Squeezing the last drops out like you do a tube of toothpaste.


2,426 posts

102 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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Room temperature. Solid (like a cake). No skin (yeurgh). Heavily topped with double cream from the dairy in the next village.


2,016 posts

103 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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Home made, not out of a tin. It's a midwinter pud for me, not cold or dark enough yet.


1,055 posts

224 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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Like it warm, (not hot ) and solid. When I was younger Mum would make it quite sloppy, so I would smash a couple of digestive biscuits into crumbs and mix them into my bowl of rice pudding. Made it more solid and enjoyable for me. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.


1,209 posts

129 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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Home made, hot with skin on, then left overs from large amount made left in fridge to go solid and eat cold.


4,582 posts

57 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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Ambrosia, hot with a dollop of strawberry jam in the middle. Mix it up and enjoy, just like school days.


9,612 posts

168 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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From the cupboard, out of the tin


17,887 posts

229 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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Ambrosia, cold, with a spoonful of jam or stewed fruit.


Original Poster:

12,074 posts

171 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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Who likes it with raisins and a bit of cinnamon smile

And cream biggrin

Gary C

13,312 posts

189 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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Hot from the oven and skin removed with Jam

or cold and out of a tin

Love rice pudding smile


4,052 posts

226 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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Oh yes; made on the hob with arborio rice, so none of this skin or nutmeg nonsense.

Wacky Racer

39,268 posts

257 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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The Gauge said:
The problem I have with tinned rice pudding is that I usually start eating it straight from the tin after opening. Saves on washing up I guess.

It's the same with ready made custard in those Del-monte orange juice type cartons, I snip the corner off with scissors and drink it straight from the carton. Squeezing the last drops out like you do a tube of toothpaste.
Me too, to both of those.

I have an extra long spoon to scrape the last few dregs out. lick

Short Grain

3,128 posts

230 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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Mum used to make rice pud once a week. Hot with a skin of nutmeg after being baked! lick
Now it's Ambrosia, eaten cold, straight out of the tin, saves time and washing up, and almost as good. But no nutmeg skin frown

What are your other memories of puddings from your childhood. Mum also made great pies, her pastry was to die for! Apple and bramble, rhubarb, cherry. All with custard, made with Birds custard powder! Proper suet puds as well! Spotted Dick, oer! Never see 'em nowadays.

Super Sonic

7,881 posts

64 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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Yum yum delicious. Almost a meal if you don't feel like cooking or eating. Tinned or fresh, hot or cold, runny or sticky, it's all good.
What about the other milk puddings? Semolina, tapioca (we used to call it frogspawn at school) macaroni?
I like macaroni.


1,471 posts

55 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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Love it. I only make it with Carnaroli rice. the French way with vanilla, cinnamon , cream, milk and eggs or I go exotic with coconut milk, coconut cream and grilled mango. Sometimes , venitian style.

Beautiful easy desert and always a successful one.


33,578 posts

186 months

Tuesday 19th September 2023
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I don’t like it (Mum used to make it as a treat in the ‘90s), anymore, tinned cans are just full of sugar.