
Total Members Polled: 57



Original Poster:

14,031 posts

228 months

Friday 15th September 2023
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The initial message was deleted from this topic on 13 December 2023 at 10:39


26,944 posts

272 months

Friday 15th September 2023
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Matchmakers: mint
Club: mint
Terrys Chocolate: orange
Viscount: mint

Super Sonic

7,881 posts

64 months

Friday 15th September 2023
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I always think strawberry flavour stuff just tastes pink. There is an Ashens vid where he tries some forty year old strawberry desert and it actually says on the packet 'artificial strawberry flavour'!


40,646 posts

294 months

Friday 15th September 2023
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Mint choc chip ice cream for me


1,146 posts

22 months

Friday 15th September 2023
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Orange every time, mint is for toothpaste.


550 posts

21 months

Friday 15th September 2023
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Orange all day long.

Voting for mint makes you a scumbag, a bad scumbag not a good scumbag. yes


5,186 posts

222 months

Friday 15th September 2023
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If pure chocolate rather than pure vanilla was an option I’d have gone with that. Mint takes the win over orange generally though, although I’m not offended by either.

Edit: there’s a slight exception - mint aero is infinitely better than a standard one. However I’d take a wispa over either.

Edited by bristolbaron on Friday 15th September 21:24


7,633 posts

177 months

Friday 15th September 2023
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Super Sonic said:
I always think strawberry flavour stuff just tastes pink. There is an Ashens vid where he tries some forty year old strawberry desert and it actually says on the packet 'artificial strawberry flavour'!
Strawberry flavour stuff doesn’t taste like strawberry. However, I used fresh strawberries to make strawberry gin. This tastes like….strawberry flavour.


10,313 posts

282 months

Friday 15th September 2023
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I voted mint, only because there was no option for both.

I also seem to be in a minority for liking coffee cremes.


4,577 posts

40 months

Friday 15th September 2023
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CanAm said:
I voted mint, only because there was no option for both.

I also seem to be in a minority for liking coffee cremes.
Both for me too. Can’t really choose between them.

Riley Blue

21,882 posts

236 months

Saturday 16th September 2023
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Definitely mint and ginger before orange.


13,644 posts

231 months

Saturday 16th September 2023
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Orange & chocolate .... hurl

Mint & chocolate.... cloud9


672 posts

41 months

Saturday 16th September 2023
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Mint please


5,329 posts

112 months

Saturday 16th September 2023
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Hmmm, couldn't see the option for don't like chocolate.....


16,287 posts

256 months

Saturday 16th September 2023
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Super Sonic said:
I always think strawberry flavour stuff just tastes pink. There is an Ashens vid where he tries some forty year old strawberry desert and it actually says on the packet 'artificial strawberry flavour'!
There was a factory in the road where I once worked; it was called variously over the years 'Soflor' and 'Polaks Fruital Works'. The strawberry smell from this place was stronger than a ton of crushed strawberries and it was all day every day.


5,821 posts

192 months

Saturday 16th September 2023
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Needs a "none of the above".


1,146 posts

22 months

Saturday 16th September 2023
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MikeM6 said:
Hmmm, couldn't see the option for don't like chocolate.....
gotta be kidding ?

even if you are allergic to cocoa, it's worth it man.


5,100 posts

244 months

Saturday 16th September 2023
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I remember when Grand Marnier made an orange-flavoured equivalent of Baileys, sadly no longer available.

Absolute heaven on your tongue.

Orange every day.


10,300 posts

218 months

Saturday 16th September 2023
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Nethybridge said:
Orange every time, mint is for toothpaste.

I detest mint toothpaste, Euthymol for me.

Super Sonic

7,881 posts

64 months

Saturday 16th September 2023
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DoctorX said:
Strawberry flavour stuff doesn’t taste like strawberry. However, I used fresh strawberries to make strawberry gin. This tastes like….strawberry flavour.
Is it pink?