


Original Poster:

4,603 posts

92 months

Tuesday 5th September 2023
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I stopped at the ever interesting Emmrts in Peasenhall the other day and picked some of this up.

Just opened it.

Boy was it bad, not just me as made others try it!

awful stuff. is it always this bad?

Emmetts do go a bit heavy on their bacon/ham which can be an acquired taste, but not sure if they make this or import it, but its like eating chewy petrol. will be in the field once evening comes for the vermin to much on.

Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Wednesday 6th September 2023
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Not eaten cecina, but any 'air dried' meats make me heave.

There's that note of 'farmyard' I can't get over.

Guanciale, I am looking at you here. yuck


Original Poster:

4,603 posts

92 months

Wednesday 6th September 2023
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I love bresola, and all airdried hams i've tried so far, so was thinking this would be right up my street. it was about 7-8 quid as well as the place isnt cheap. On of the worst thing i've ever put in my mouth!