Burger King accused of telling whoppers

Burger King accused of telling whoppers



Original Poster:

56,567 posts

220 months


12,278 posts

118 months

Sunday 3rd September 2023
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Presumably brought by this guy


52,985 posts

165 months

Sunday 3rd September 2023
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The class action has a point. There is a balance between marketing and false advertising.

Teddy Lop

8,301 posts

77 months

Sunday 3rd September 2023
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vaud said:
The class action has a point. There is a balance between marketing and false advertising.
I wish my life was so simple I could care though. I thought we all watched falling down, we chuckled and went "yeah right" and then went back to worrying about important things.

In fact the blatant dishonesty should be treated as a useful, low cost warning that there are others who dont have your best interests at heart, or may try to cheat or mislead you.

The mind of the man who seeks to "rectify this wrong" demonstrates the utter shallowness the tends to accompany the utopia seekers.


2,521 posts

277 months

Sunday 3rd September 2023
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Apparently MacDonalds and one other chain are also being targeted and Taco Bell recently lost a case, so seems to be the big 'how can we (lawyers) make quick money' over there.


7,812 posts

179 months

Tuesday 5th September 2023
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Its about time adverts were only allowed to show the actual product, not some fancy pants representation of it.

They're all at it, not just the fast food vendors


12,278 posts

118 months

Tuesday 5th September 2023
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The restaurants will argue that is what is shown. Same ingredients, just primped by a food stylist instead of thrown together by a hungover teenager.