25Yr Glenmorangie.


V8 Animal

Original Poster:

6,000 posts

220 months

Saturday 2nd September 2023
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I have this bottle and looking to sell it but looking for a valuation.
I’ve emailed 3 from Google only 1 replied saying they will put it in their auction.
Not really what I’m after.
Anyone advised who to ask?


13,098 posts

178 months

Saturday 2nd September 2023
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Double bubble posting

V8 Animal

Original Poster:

6,000 posts

220 months

Saturday 2nd September 2023
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RC1807 said:
Double bubble posting
Nowt to do with me


14,039 posts

225 months

Saturday 2nd September 2023
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Its only £800-£1000 retail. If you get £500 at auction. I would be suprised.
Glenmorangie is not brilliant to start with in most peoples opnions.


2,456 posts

106 months

Saturday 2nd September 2023
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sherman said:
Glenmorangie is not brilliant to start with in most peoples opnions.
So you've tried the 25-year-old then?