India Club to close



Original Poster:

2,521 posts

277 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Wasn't sure whether to post this, as the India Club is almost a 'those in the know' place, used by Indian ex-pats, staff at their embassy, returnees from the Raj (in the earlier days). While nothing on their website the BBC posted this a few days back. Always thought the club was part of the hotel it was hosted in.

Been about 20 years since I was last there, but one thing I do remember was the main courses were more like those brought back by returning Brits than by migrating Indians, i.e. less spice, lot more liquid. Perhaps it was just like that for the period I occasionally went.


5,180 posts

113 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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I only became aware of this place when an Indian Chef did a feature on it, possibly Nisha Katona? Walked past the venue every day for 10 years previously and never gave it a second glance as it's exactly as described, a doorway next to a dingy-looking Hotel.

I wonder whether the building is being sold for redevelopment, there's a load of new flats that have gone up by the Aldwich which I imagine will have improved property prices a bit.


Original Poster:

2,521 posts

277 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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C5_Steve said:
I only became aware of this place when an Indian Chef did a feature on it, possibly Nisha Katona? Walked past the venue every day for 10 years previously and never gave it a second glance as it's exactly as described, a doorway next to a dingy-looking Hotel.

I wonder whether the building is being sold for redevelopment, there's a load of new flats that have gone up by the Aldwich which I imagine will have improved property prices a bit.
Inside, back then, the floor below was the hotel bar and was also used by the club. Even then it was faded and tatty in a well worn but comfortable sort of way.

From what little is out there, it might be the hotel itself that's looking to rebuild there.