Anyone got or used a breakfast muffin making machine?

Anyone got or used a breakfast muffin making machine?



Original Poster:

9,946 posts

188 months

Monday 14th August 2023
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One of these:

I am fully aware that it isn't exactly hard to make them without this specific machine, and that is what I do at the moment, but I do love a gadget and this looks quite nifty......


Original Poster:

9,946 posts

188 months

Monday 14th August 2023
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Actually, I think it's already a hard no from me, as it doesn't look like it would actually cook a sausage patty, it needs pre-cooked meats?! Sod that then.


5,180 posts

113 months

Monday 14th August 2023
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I did look at those a while ago, one of the biggest issues was the egg ran through the divider so you ended up with the whole thing soaked in egg which then cooked around it.

The only thing I found useful was a burger patty mould to form the sausage patties with from a raw sausage. But that's just a ring and a press.


Original Poster:

9,946 posts

188 months

Monday 14th August 2023
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C5_Steve said:
I did look at those a while ago, one of the biggest issues was the egg ran through the divider so you ended up with the whole thing soaked in egg which then cooked around it.

The only thing I found useful was a burger patty mould to form the sausage patties with from a raw sausage. But that's just a ring and a press.
I'll definitely give it a pass then, as it's not a huge struggle to make it 'manually' and the fact it can't cook the raw sausage makes it pointless really.