Hash Browns



Original Poster:

7,849 posts

155 months

Friday 11th August 2023
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Was told by my lad that instead of throwing away cold chips to roughly scrunch the up and bind with an egg to make Hash Browns.. done this and fried them but couldn't get the crunchy exterior like McD and bought frozen ones following a defrost and re frying
Any hints how to get this please?


735 posts

21 months

Friday 11th August 2023
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Buy a bag for probably less than a quid and don't waste your time with cold chips?


3,944 posts

145 months

Saturday 12th August 2023
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15 minutes, cut up potatoes into cm cubes , into frying pan with butter plus a sprinkle of seasoning salt , cook on med/low heat turning ever minute or so , add spring onions at the end if fancied . They’ll crisp nicely


12,087 posts

219 months

Saturday 12th August 2023
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If you are freezing and defrosting this will produce a lot of moisture which turns to steam on frying stopping the crunch. Fry at 170-180 from fresh or frozen, either way a coating of flour will help. Ideal world, coat with potato starch (instant mash works).


2,732 posts

107 months

Saturday 12th August 2023
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An air fryer produces a good crisp on most foods