Containers for large amount of rice.. what do you use? 10kg+

Containers for large amount of rice.. what do you use? 10kg+



Original Poster:

11,079 posts

191 months

Saturday 5th August 2023
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i'm the type who'll buy rice in 10kg bulks to last afew months. For the longest while i've just left it in the sack, however I've never liked this.

What sort of containers does everyone (or anyone) here use? Ideally something to hold at least 10kg.
I don't want to use some generic plastic storage box you get from wilko/ikea. Some of basic storage on amazon that might fit the bill seem expensive for what they are (£40 for a container). Many of the food storage containers you get in the suparmarkets just aren't big enough.So i'm curious to see if anyone here has anything interesting

might be willing to go somewhere in the middle. get a large container, and a cereal size-d one that can live on the counter top and topped up every now and then.


4,912 posts

60 months

Saturday 5th August 2023
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We use an old copper tea urn. Fits 10kg comfortably.

Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Saturday 5th August 2023
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Pro storage containers are effing expensive.

Wheeled for ease of handling and need to be tough to keep out gnawing rats.

I'd scour Ebay to see if anyone is selling off the pro stuff second hand.

For at home I have a ceramic bread bin with wooden lid, and store flours and grains in that.


6,740 posts

231 months

Saturday 5th August 2023
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I use PET Jars (the plastic tubs protein powder comes in) for storing kibble (dry dog food) in. I can get 10kg+ in two of them, so 10kg of rice should be no problem in two of the large (6 litre ish) ones.

£3.40 each:


12,087 posts

219 months

Sunday 6th August 2023
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Not cheap but these work well. Simple to get stuff in and out of without spilling it everywhere but might be a bit big for home use although it should fit in most kitchen cupboards out of the way.

Alternatively, 4L ice cream tubs. Won't hold 10Kg but with lids they do stack easily and if you get the "natural" (clear) ones you can see whats in them without having to open them all the time.