Subway menu, when did it change?

Subway menu, when did it change?


The Gauge

Original Poster:

3,784 posts

23 months

Friday 28th July 2023
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Called into a Subway today, haven't been in ages. Was immediately confused by their menu, seems that you now have to choose to build your own sandwich or go for set ingredients where the staff choose your salad items.

Being unsure how the menu works, I saw a picture of a steak & cheese so I asked for that. They don't speak good English in the sub I used, so I was a bit confused by it all especially when the lady would only put peppers and onion on my steak & cheese sub and nothing else, after she handed it to me I read a notice board that kind of explained the system but not well. Not sure what I should have asked for to get all the salad items of my choice?

At age 51 I'm beginning to understand how old people struggle with tech etc!!

Edited by The Gauge on Friday 28th July 17:19


4,584 posts

57 months

Friday 28th July 2023
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Yeah it is confusing, they've started promoting the new set sandwiches heavily and the previous sandwiches are near the sides in the overhead menu where you can add and remove what you like.


14,423 posts

158 months

Friday 28th July 2023
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I thought the new menu of pre-set choices was in addition to the usual "choose your bread, choose your fillings, choose your sauce" options ?

The Gauge

Original Poster:

3,784 posts

23 months

Friday 28th July 2023
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48k said:
I thought the new menu of pre-set choices was in addition to the usual "choose your bread, choose your fillings, choose your sauce" options ?
You are probably right, but it wasn't clear to me from staring at the board for a while, I couldn't work it out. I found it confusing. Maybe some folk didn't like having to choose each salad ingredient and just want to quickly order a sandwich & go?

Oh, and they added the sauce before toasting, which I'm sure they don't normally do? And the people of Ukraine think they have it bad! wink


16,010 posts

224 months

Friday 28th July 2023
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They've been running TV ads over the last couple of months promoting the change.