Feeding lots of people - Lamb asado??

Feeding lots of people - Lamb asado??



Original Poster:

54,892 posts

265 months

Friday 28th July 2023
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We've invited 150+ people (adults and kids, final numbers tbc...) to a party at the start of September. Last time we did it we got a hog roast in, which was great and left loads of leftovers, but I fancy something different. And I've been wanting to do a lamb asado for ages, so that's what I've said I'll do.

But a bit of research suggests lambs aren't that big. (Which seems obvious now I'm typing it! bangheadhehe) So, rather than the two I was planning I could need as many as 10!?!

Anyone catered for that many people with a BBQ or done an asado???

Back up plan is another hog roast, but I might have left it too late to get someone in.

Shaw Tarse

31,742 posts

213 months

Friday 28th July 2023
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Had to google that ^^ looks good.
But I'd rather get a hog roast in if possible, rather than try lamb for the 1st time with lots of guests.


Original Poster:

54,892 posts

265 months

Friday 28th July 2023
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I have to admit a hog roast does seem sensible!


12,087 posts

219 months

Saturday 29th July 2023
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OP, get a company in to do it. DIY you will not be able to relax and its a lot of work. I (used to) regularly do BBQ/hog/ram roast for 150+ and I had a couple of experienced hands to help. It's still a long day and by the time you've hired the kit, messed around etc its just not worth the aggro. Obviously depends on carcass weight and whos doing the cooking and cutting but a "lamb" should feed 30-40 (at a push), a pig 80-90.


Original Poster:

54,892 posts

265 months

Saturday 29th July 2023
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I hoped you'd reply! thumbup

I have the space to do it over an open fire, I'd just need some sort of shelter for it if the weather's crap. I was vaguely planning to spend the day tending the fire and drinking beer with my mates as everyone will muck in and we've borrowed a field next door for camping so we'll be about all day as people arrive.

My main worry was how to make enough salsa Verde. hehe


12,087 posts

219 months

Monday 31st July 2023
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Sounds like a informal get together so should be a lot of fun but it is all in the planning and timing. How ever long you think something will take and how ever much of something you think you need. Add more.

Any tips for anything specific there are a few people (still?) on here who have experience of what you are planning who I'm sure can offer advice and I'm around bit more the next couple of weeks if I can help.

BoRED S2upid

20,426 posts

250 months

Monday 31st July 2023
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Bill said:
I hoped you'd reply! thumbup

I have the space to do it over an open fire, I'd just need some sort of shelter for it if the weather's crap. I was vaguely planning to spend the day tending the fire and drinking beer with my mates as everyone will muck in and we've borrowed a field next door for camping so we'll be about all day as people arrive.

My main worry was how to make enough salsa Verde. hehe
In one of those nutribullet blenders. Very easy to make big quantities.

As for catering for 150 task it to a caterer. I once attended a wedding with a fella who had a pizza oven on the back of a pick up. Great mobile catering.

Could you do both? Pizzas and your lamb thingy? Not everyone eats lamb poor little things lol. Then you don’t have to do such massive quantities and you have a reliable back up.


22,719 posts

132 months

Monday 31st July 2023
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Bill said:
We've invited 150+ people (adults and kids, final numbers tbc...) to a party at the start of September. Last time we did it we got a hog roast in, which was great and left loads of leftovers, but I fancy something different. And I've been wanting to do a lamb asado for ages, so that's what I've said I'll do.

But a bit of research suggests lambs aren't that big. (Which seems obvious now I'm typing it! bangheadhehe) So, rather than the two I was planning I could need as many as 10!?!

Anyone catered for that many people with a BBQ or done an asado???

Back up plan is another hog roast, but I might have left it too late to get someone in.
How many veggies and vegans and dietary limitations are you expecting in the population?

But I agree with others, I'd definitely be looking quickly for a catering company, maybe a local BBQ popup/restaurant? Or even a ghurka restaurant!


20,553 posts

196 months

Monday 31st July 2023
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Do lamb and suckling pig so there's a choice.


18,508 posts

199 months

Monday 31st July 2023
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Just taking in 50k posts... jeezusHchristopher.

Nothing else to offer other than if you do end up cooking 10 lambs please post pics!!


Original Poster:

54,892 posts

265 months

Monday 31st July 2023
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Evanivitch said:
How many veggies and vegans and dietary limitations are you expecting in the population?
The occasional vegetarian, one vegan and a few not-too-picky-about-halal Muslims. And a Brazil nut allergy, although he hasn't RSVP'd yet. biggrin

On the salsa Verde front we have a mountain of herbs growing currently and will get another crop if we cut now. So how best to preserve them?? Chop and keep in oil or chop and freeze? Or something else...


52,988 posts

165 months

Monday 31st July 2023
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Would a massive buffet be easier / less risky? Pots and pots of curries, chile con carne, all pre prepped and frozen? Might reduce the stress levels?


Original Poster:

54,892 posts

265 months

Monday 31st July 2023
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gotoPzero said:
Just taking in 50k posts... jeezusHchristopher.
eek I should probably get a life! hehe


52,988 posts

165 months

Monday 31st July 2023
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Bill said:
eek I should probably get a life! hehe
You think you have problems?

48,268 posts
146 months

50,854 posts
246 months


Original Poster:

54,892 posts

265 months

Monday 31st July 2023
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vaud said:
Would a massive buffet be easier / less risky? Pots and pots of curries, chile con carne, all pre prepped and frozen? Might reduce the stress levels?
Probably! We're going to buy in the salads and flat breads, but I really want to cook a lamb on a stick!

And I'm going to repurpose a knackered climbing frame as a shelter for the fire with some corrugated iron if the weather's bad.


Original Poster:

54,892 posts

265 months

Monday 31st July 2023
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vaud said:
You think you have problems?

48,268 posts
146 months

50,854 posts
246 months
Maybe I'm not so weird after all! beer


7,837 posts

229 months

Monday 31st July 2023
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Bill said:
vaud said:
Would a massive buffet be easier / less risky? Pots and pots of curries, chile con carne, all pre prepped and frozen? Might reduce the stress levels?
Probably! We're going to buy in the salads and flat breads, but I really want to cook a lamb on a stick!

And I'm going to repurpose a knackered climbing frame as a shelter for the fire with some corrugated iron if the weather's bad.
Is that you Dick?


14,039 posts

225 months

Monday 31st July 2023
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That looks good.

You could also do a few sides of salmon on boards in a similar way forcan alternative.

If you are going to do it I would ve talking to a butcher quickly and seing if they will at least prep and string the carcasses up for you.


39,345 posts

266 months

Monday 31st July 2023
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Had a party for ~100 here. No way would I try and cater for that many on my own.

Plenty of hog roast places will also do lamb. I'd be paying one to sort everything out.


2,568 posts

90 months

Monday 31st July 2023
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If you got a giant pan going you could cook a huge Dahl, Some rice and have them open for the taking - I'm sure it would pair quite nicely with the lamb / meats of choice.

(Vegan take - Ye gods that asado cooking looks a bit.. much!)