Terry's Cafe London anyone been?

Terry's Cafe London anyone been?



Original Poster:

40,647 posts

294 months

Monday 17th July 2023
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Its near Borough in London. I Was thinking of making a visit, looks kind of quirky



3,909 posts

224 months

Monday 17th July 2023
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Based upon that video I'd go to the Regency every time

If you've not been to the Regency, it's worth a go - just for the movie and sports history, let alone the chaotic way it works (and it does work !)


I dont know of anywhere else where you can get liver, bacon, peas and onions ...... in a baguette !


104 posts

56 months

Monday 17th July 2023
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How hard is it to cook a sausage evenly? That pale bit makes me feel ill


1,233 posts

70 months

Monday 17th July 2023
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I'd recommend Terry's, no question.

I live 300 yards from it, and have been going for over 10 years, when it was all green fields ;-). Tea used to be 20p!
Now it's really busy at the weekends, with (attractive) people queuing outside.
The bubble is vg, the Cumberland excellent, the bacon is salty and fairly thick. Crusty white bread is my choice over toast. good chips if the carbs are calling.

Regency: I work close to this, and I have enjoyed a few brekkies there. I don't see it in the same league as Terry's tbh. But a real occasion - love to see it in moves and TV.

If you are heading to Terry's Monday - Friday morning, and want company, let me know. I like an excuse to go.


Original Poster:

40,647 posts

294 months

Monday 17th July 2023
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kevinon said:
I'd recommend Terry's, no question.

I live 300 yards from it, and have been going for over 10 years, when it was all green fields ;-). Tea used to be 20p!
Now it's really busy at the weekends, with (attractive) people queuing outside.
The bubble is vg, the Cumberland excellent, the bacon is salty and fairly thick. Crusty white bread is my choice over toast. good chips if the carbs are calling.
Cheers just what I was looking for.