Vegans tricked me into thinking meat is extremely unhealthy

Vegans tricked me into thinking meat is extremely unhealthy



Original Poster:

471 posts

98 months

Friday 14th July 2023
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I'm not American but prior was eating the laughed at SAD (Standard American Diet), than some vegan propaganda came along saying that my lifestyle is extremely unhealthy and to quit meat along with other unhealthy stuff.

So I did...cleaned up my diet,quit ultra processed junk and actually got great results in many areas... So that made me a true believer that yes all animal products are extremely unhealthy since it actually worked for me..

Years went...never got the idea to question the meantime was bombarded in social media about other ridiculous diets, like carnivore for example which is totally opposite and way more ridiculous than vegan... but I saw tons of people having great success with it, couldn't understand how and just shrugged it off...

Than one day, I decided to dig deeper into other fad diets just out of curiosity to try to find anything common..

Guess what ?

All of the top diets I had seen that were actually working had the main thing In common - ditch all ultra processed food/junk and focus on real food as could be found in nature...

Duh...that's when I understood I had been tricked for years,and any that followed same framework would have provided the same effect more or less...

You can usually feel negative symptoms almost right away after eating the ultra processed junk , heavily processed meats/sausage..

but can you actually feel anything bad after eating a piece of meat/fish cooked in healthy way by yourself? I don't feel anything...

So..more digging on this stuff and eventually I found all these 'research' articles that the vegans had used to spread this used research from studies that had lumped all Kinds of meat+junk food together to draw their conclusions.. Or Took data from consumption of heavily processed meat stuff and made it so that all is extremely bad.

Only found a few real studies that had used real unprocessed meat vs no meat , from those you could see your risk of mortality increased from 5% to 6%, but guess what the vegans did?
Presented in a way that you have 20% more chance of dying sooner....instead of 1percent as In the study..

So a lot of cherry picking and presented in a way that suits ones needs and you can get a plausible data to prove almost anything if taken out of context..

Bottom line?

Learn from Idiots like me and use common sense.


13,968 posts

248 months

Friday 14th July 2023
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Do you have any news on whether the pope sts in the woods?


3,966 posts

204 months

Friday 14th July 2023
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thats some serious naivity bet you believe in man made climate change as well


2,829 posts

194 months

Friday 14th July 2023
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What planet did this take place on?


14,039 posts

225 months

Friday 14th July 2023
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The Earth is round by the way.


3,908 posts

114 months

Friday 14th July 2023
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Meh, worst ‘I had a hot vegan girlfriend once’ thread of the day.


941 posts

107 months

Sunday 16th July 2023
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At least you got there in the end. Most do.

It’s the processed food industry that’s pushing the plant-based propaganda but the money’s shrinking away from that now people are working it out for themselves. People can eat what they want. Everyone of every persuasion will feel better from avoiding crap whether vegan, vegetarian or ominivore.


12,249 posts

294 months

Monday 17th July 2023
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DaveGrohl said:
...It’s the processed food industry that’s pushing the plant-based propaganda ....
These 'plant based' products seem to be the same ultra-processed rubbish as cheap burgers, sausages, chicken nuggets, etc. perhaps more so as they put chemicals in it to get the fake textures.

Of course the Big Business manufacturers love it as they can sell a cheap veggie mush at a premium price.

There's nothing 'unhealthy' about a piece of meat, after all there's millions of other species on this earth that only eat 'meat'.

Teddy Lop

8,301 posts

77 months

Monday 17th July 2023
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Interestingly, the same "research" outfit was employed to produce "science" for both the vegan incrediburger lot and the american beef farmers proving eachs products were more climate sustainable than the othersrotate

Gary C

13,316 posts

189 months

Monday 17th July 2023
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sherman said:
The Earth is round by the way.
No its not

its an oblate spheroid


1,891 posts

44 months

Monday 17th July 2023
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You only need to take a look at the traffic light labels and nutritional information on vegan food to see that it doesn't necessarily equate to 'healthy'. The ingredients list doesn't fill me with hope either.

I also can't understand how it's nutritionally (and environmentally) acceptable to some to consume something that has come from a factory where a load of ingredients, preservatives, chemicals and so on are all processed together...just to try and have the same 'effect' as the non-vegan equivalent, be it mayonnaise, meat, fish, honey or whatever.

Like the OP, I'd much rather have a lean beef steak that I've prepared at home than a factory-made one. The key is a balance: couple eating things in moderation with plenty of exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

Otherwise we're technically interfering with mother nature and denying just how everything natural and consumable on this planet benefits our bodies.

Price-wise, it's costly stuff, too.

Anything vegan I consume is likely the occasional treat or out of curiosity, but it needs to be on a decent offer and I won't go out of my way for it.

Quorn nuggets used to be pretty convincing (harking back to the days of a frozen bag for a quid when on offer), as did their mini cocktail sausages. I think they've changed the ini cocktail sausage recipe in recent years so I've avoided altogether, but when they're not on offer they're something like 1,000 times' the price of lamb per kilo. I'm yet to try the Linda McCartney ones.

The Vegetarian Butcher (yes, the language/wording debate is well and truly alive) also did a fairly tasty chicken-free burger last time and only time I tried. It was a pack that had been massively reduced though, otherwise I likely would never have bought it because, pre-COLC/inflation they were already quite pricey.

Mr E

22,229 posts

269 months

Monday 17th July 2023
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netherfield said:
What planet did this take place on?
Planet “trolling for a reaction” I suspect.


16,010 posts

224 months

Monday 17th July 2023
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Gary C said:
its an oblate spheroid
I'm sure you can get a cream for that....


1,373 posts

294 months

Monday 17th July 2023
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I completely agree, cut all food with ingredients you dont recognise, and especially sugars and processed veg oils. Doesn't matter if it is vegan, carnivore or anything in between, but eat no more than 3 meals a day of proper food.

Gary C

13,316 posts

189 months

Monday 17th July 2023
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cuprabob said:
Gary C said:
its an oblate spheroid
I'm sure you can get a cream for that....


742 posts

67 months

Wednesday 19th July 2023
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Mr E said:
Planet “trolling for a reaction” I suspect.
This. It reads as if its a mash-up from the daily mail and the sun.

Veganism isn't about health, environment or anything else - its about animal exploitation.

Plant-based dieters may have convinced you its healthier...

But I suspect the OP knows this - and if we dig far enough probably find out he owns a cattle ranch somewhere.

Edited by NaePasaran on Wednesday 19th July 21:10


2,281 posts

207 months

Wednesday 19th July 2023
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Gary C said:
No its not

its an oblate spheroid
My first smart ass answer to a geography teacher, was very proud...


29,809 posts

183 months

Wednesday 19th July 2023
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My brother in law recently changed from being a Vegan to eating a meat only diet.

We invite him to BBQ's now.

FWIW Ultraprocessed is a meaningless term these days.