Knife set for Children



Original Poster:

568 posts

112 months

Thursday 13th July 2023
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Our 11 year old is showing a big interest in cooking and it’s his birthday coming up. So, I wondered if anyone knew of a reasonable knife set (chefs, pairing etc) that might be suitable? Ideally I want something that comes with a knife roll for storage but happy to buy separately.


14,040 posts

225 months

Thursday 13th July 2023
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Victorinox knife set should be enough to get you started properly.

You could also cobble together some knives from TK maxx for quite a bit cheaper and buy a knife roll to put them in.

Super Sonic

7,882 posts

64 months

Thursday 13th July 2023
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Do you not already have knives in the kitchen that he could use?


33,579 posts

186 months

Thursday 13th July 2023
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This is good, literally spoilt for choice (bought some last year):


40,647 posts

294 months

Thursday 13th July 2023
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sherman said:
Victorinox knife set should be enough to get you started properly.

You could also cobble together some knives from TK maxx for quite a bit cheaper and buy a knife roll to put them in.
I would not go for wooden handles and there are lot of items in that set that would never get used.
Perhaps a simpler set like this. Not sure why they refer to one as a carving knife, looks identical to my chefs knife.


Original Poster:

568 posts

112 months

Thursday 13th July 2023
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Thanks for the replies. I was thinking something more along the lines of this rather than a proper knife set. I’m looking for something child proof!


14,040 posts

225 months

Thursday 13th July 2023
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JKRolling said:
Thanks for the replies. I was thinking something more along the lines of this rather than a proper knife set. I’m looking for something child proof!
No such thing as a child proof knife.
Just teach the child proper knife skills.


8,236 posts

90 months

Thursday 13th July 2023
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Get a sharpener as well or a steel and let him learn how to use it.

Sharp knives are safer than dull ones, but only if you have proper knife skills. Bad skills and a sharp knife equals lots of blood.

Google some Gordon Ramsay videos as he often shows and re emphasises a good technique


40,647 posts

294 months

Thursday 13th July 2023
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Do children these days get taught how to cook at school. If so what do they use?


8,236 posts

90 months

Thursday 13th July 2023
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Cotty said:
Do children these days get taught how to cook at school. If so what do they use?
Don't get me started on "food tech" at schools. It's a load of rubbish. Have to chop everything sy home because there isn't enough time in the lesson to do it all. Plus you have buy a load of crap for a small bit of something you don't want.

Does my head in and the kids learn nothing


15,004 posts

221 months

Thursday 13th July 2023
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Sharp knives are the safest.

Sure, get some small and colourful ones but make sure they are sharp.

Same goes for drill bits, chisels, just about anything.


33,579 posts

186 months

Thursday 13th July 2023
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anonymous said:
Don’t let her watch any Halloween films. hehe

mr mac i

272 posts

193 months

Thursday 13th July 2023
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Might be too "basic" but we've got a set of these and they cut veg quite easily in the hands of a child; despite my scepticism...

Edited by mr mac i on Thursday 13th July 20:55


5,678 posts

124 months

Friday 14th July 2023
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proper knives and good technique to avoid accidents…
realistically only needs a small and large knife, so get good quality and you can add to them for other birthdays… learning to keep them sharp / buying a good knife sharpener is vital

possibly look for a cooking course that will teach knife skills… as others have said, an injury from a sharp knife can be mended, from a blunt knife is more tricky - my wife is a hand surgeon and if it is a clean cut she can reconstruct fingers and hands from very serious accidents - if it is mangled, far more difficult - she is also a keen cook and her knives are sharpened every time she uses them…