Dogs in Pubs


Rob 131 Sport

Original Poster:

3,313 posts

62 months

Tuesday 11th July 2023
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I’m sure this has been done before. However, every time I go out with the wife, friends or my sons to the pub, finding one that doesn’t have half a dozen dogs is proving rather difficult.

I am highly allergic to dogs and even if I wasn’t I just don’t want them in the pub or restaurants. A few weeks ago I was in a Cafe and when the food was served the owners 2 dogs came rushing to the table. The owner and other I assume regular guests couldn’t understand why I requested them to be removed as they were putting their heads on the tanle looking for food.

I took my elderly Father out for a meal on Father’s Day to quite an upmarket establishment. On the adjacent table of 6, 2 of the people literally sat at the table were dogs. It was like a scene from a Cartoon.

Other instances have been people putting ‘doggie treats’ on the pub table and the dog eating them right next to where I’ve put a drink down. Add the bowels of water spilling everywhere, the smell and barking and it’s ruining so many pubs and restaurants.

Does anyone else share my frustration at this. Why can’t people leave their dogs at home when they go to the pub or restaurant.

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

30,763 posts

245 months

Tuesday 11th July 2023
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Rob 131 Sport said:
. Why can’t people leave their dogs at home when they go to the pub or restaurant.
Takes all sorts. Many people think this about children. hehe


1,518 posts

142 months

Tuesday 11th July 2023
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Don’t go to a Wetherspoons they’re full of dogs!


14,040 posts

225 months

Tuesday 11th July 2023
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Dogs in pubs are fine as long as they are under control and not running around. Same as children.
Dogs are generally better behaved and more polite than the rest of the customers


2,388 posts

185 months

Tuesday 11th July 2023
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I have no problem in pubs and as others mention they are often less annoying than small children, including my own.

Pubs are that sort of relaxed anything goes environment imo.


328 posts

30 months

Tuesday 11th July 2023
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Rob 131 Sport said:
Add the bowels of water spilling everywhere, the smell and barking and it’s ruining so many pubs and restaurants.
Is that a posh way of saying “having a piss”?


17,544 posts

115 months

Tuesday 11th July 2023
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sherman said:
Dogs in pubs are fine as long as they are under control and not running around. Same as children.
Dogs are generally better behaved and more polite than the rest of the customers
Yes, quite agree. I rather like pubs that have cats sitting around too.
If you don't want dogs in pubs you'll need to check which ones bar them.


17,544 posts

115 months

Tuesday 11th July 2023
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sherman said:
Dogs in pubs are fine as long as they are under control and not running around. Same as children.
Dogs are generally better behaved and more polite than the rest of the customers
Yes, quite agree. I rather like pubs that have cats sitting around too.
If you don't want dogs in pubs you'll need to check which ones bar them.


2,734 posts

107 months

Tuesday 11th July 2023
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Vasco said:
Yes, quite agree. I rather like pubs that have cats sitting around too.
If you don't want dogs in pubs you'll need to check which ones bar them.
Dogs yes. Cats and children no.


3,817 posts

122 months

Tuesday 11th July 2023
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I go to pubs and restaurants that specifically allow dogs.

I agree in restaurant style pubs there should perhaps be a dog free section.


2,734 posts

107 months

Tuesday 11th July 2023
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craig1912 said:
I go to pubs and restaurants that specifically allow dogs.

I agree in restaurant style pubs there should perhaps be a dog free section.
Exactly. It really depends on the type of pub.

Our local, a drinkers pub in the village, the dogs can often outnumber the customers. It can be quite funny.

If I’m eating I usually go somewhere that has a separate ’no dogs’ food area.


64 months

Tuesday 11th July 2023
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Even as a dog owner it’s something I have mixed opinions on. I live in a small village in the Holme Valley on the edge of the Peak District. I’m almost certain there are no pubs that don’t allow dogs, and most restaurants in the area have a specific area for people dining accompanied by their dog(s). The vast majority of the time it’s fine, most owners keep their dogs well under control, and I think in general dogs are pretty well disciplined where I live. Mine in particular just lies under the table, you’d never know he was there. There have been times though when I’ve been in a pub and an owner hasn’t acted on their dog barking, and you end up not being able to hear what your drinking partner is saying, and one dogs poor discipline has a domino effect on other dogs. In short, there is no reason why is can’t work, save for a few idiot owners ruining it for everyone.


10,141 posts

227 months

Tuesday 11th July 2023
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In Britain, a good pub needs dogs. Just how it is.

Sorry OP, it’s a you problem. Sure you’ll find some that don’t allow them.


2,061 posts

218 months

Tuesday 11th July 2023
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Pubs would loose to much trade if they banned dogs!

My four spend a fortune on pork scratchings and mini cheddars

I guess people who object to dogs are a minority

Terminator X

16,753 posts

214 months

Tuesday 11th July 2023
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Start up your own no dogs pub? A handful of people will thank you.



4,074 posts

280 months

Tuesday 11th July 2023
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Pubs, I’m not bothered, but really don’t want a dog climbing over me regardless of how friendly the owner claims it is.

Eating areas, no thanks.


1,544 posts

143 months

Tuesday 11th July 2023
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As it buries its nose into your ball sack, the owner says “it’s ok he’s only saying hello” smile

If I did that to his wife I guess it would all kick off


5,080 posts

202 months

Wednesday 12th July 2023
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I don't mind them as long as they aren't running around unrestrained.

Superflow said:
Don’t go to a Wetherspoons they’re full of dogs!
Ironically enough dogs are banned in Wetherspoon's establishments.


1,544 posts

143 months

Wednesday 12th July 2023
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untakenname said:
Ironically enough dogs are banned in Wetherspoon's establishments.
Not the type he’s probably talking about smile


18,640 posts

210 months

Wednesday 12th July 2023
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Dogs in pubs that are wet led is fine by me. As soon as you introduce proper meals, become a food led pub or a restaurant then no dogs IMO

Edited by craigjm on Wednesday 12th July 08:23