Chicken fillets in a microwave

Chicken fillets in a microwave


Oliver Hardy

Original Poster:

3,006 posts

84 months

Friday 7th July 2023
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Been doing chicken fillets in a air fryer but parts of the filet get very dry, looking to try the microwave. I guess the best way would be a combination of microwave and some conventional oven for browning, anyone got any tips?


3,816 posts

167 months

Friday 7th July 2023
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I would recommend getting better at using the air fryer smile . Unless the microwave has a specific chicken combination program you'll just make ultra chewy chicken fillets.


704 posts

37 months

Friday 7th July 2023
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At a low point in my life I rented a studio flat for a year which had a 'kitchenette' with a basic microwave as its only cooking appliance. I did cook chicken in it a couple of times. It was edible and didn't kill me, but not very pleasant.


1,090 posts

82 months

Friday 7th July 2023
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What's wrong with browning it in a pan then into the oven to bring it up to temperature?

Microwaves are not ideal for cooking protein.

Oliver Hardy

Original Poster:

3,006 posts

84 months

Saturday 8th July 2023
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Thanks! The microwave has a roast chicken setting, not noticed it before, only had the microwave 20 years.

I will try and air fryer the chicken again on a lower heat setting.

Oven is expensive to run especially for two fillets.


2,743 posts

97 months

Saturday 8th July 2023
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I don't think you should cook anything in a microwave. Re heat only.

Fore Left

1,530 posts

192 months

Saturday 8th July 2023
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Loosely wrap them in a bit of foil in the air fryer. Take it off 5 minutes before they're done.


3,144 posts

135 months

Saturday 8th July 2023
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Boil it then finish in a grill.

Whack out a george foreman.


13,099 posts

178 months

Saturday 8th July 2023
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JimmyConwayNW said:
Boil it then finish in a grill.

Whack out a george foreman.
Cook them whole on the George Formby. wink


29,587 posts

252 months

Saturday 8th July 2023
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I've always had great results in an air-fryer, would never go back to cooking them any other way.


468 posts

158 months

Saturday 8th July 2023
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RC1807 said:
JimmyConwayNW said:
Boil it then finish in a grill.

Whack out a george foreman.
Cook them whole on the George Formby. wink
It'll turn out nice


2,734 posts

107 months

Saturday 8th July 2023
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Sounds like you’re cooking them for too long / temps too high.

Size of fillets will vary cooking times, but in my Ninja I do regular chilled supermarket fillets for 12 mins at 180C. how does that compare to yours OP?


1,891 posts

44 months

Saturday 8th July 2023
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I should add: whilst I advocate proper cooking, when used correctly microwaves can be great tools that make cooking much easier and more convenient, especially when you don't have time.

E.g. chips or roast potatoes. Instead of parboiling them to softeh them up, part microwave them before frying, sautéing, roasting etc.

I'm surprised at how many people are surprised it's possible to cook a jacket spud in a microwave. Fair enough it's not the same as one in an oven but it's still possible to crisp up the skin.

Oliver Hardy

Original Poster:

3,006 posts

84 months

Sunday 9th July 2023
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Ham_and_Jam said:
Sounds like you’re cooking them for too long / temps too high.

Size of fillets will vary cooking times, but in my Ninja I do regular chilled supermarket fillets for 12 mins at 180C. how does that compare to yours OP?
Thanks, I went back to 180C but cut back the time i was cooking at that temp from 25 minutes tp 15 and it was much better.

However still curious about that roast chicken button, can't help wondering what chicken is like cooked using it!


693 posts

60 months

Monday 10th July 2023
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You gotta make sure your fillets are the same thickness. Either flatten it or cut them to a uniform size.

For a thin fillet I do 7 minutes at 180 and a full sized I do around 12 minutes. It always comes out juicy and never dry.