Seekh Kebab - Best in Bradford please?

Seekh Kebab - Best in Bradford please?



Original Poster:

1,226 posts

219 months

Thursday 6th July 2023
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Due to visit the vicinity.

Would love to appreciate recommendations for the best seekh kebabs in Bradford itself.
(Sweet Centre, Mumtaz and Chowdrey's are all good so far).

If anyone wants my recommendation for the best Chapli-Peshawari Kebabs …….. Abaseen off Thornton Road (not tried the Leeds Road branches).


5,029 posts

75 months

Thursday 6th July 2023
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Leeds Road Fisheries is surprisingly good. (I'm not joking), it's always packed with locals.


Original Poster:

1,226 posts

219 months

Thursday 6th July 2023
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Have been there – they do a cracking bag of chips (portion size, piping hot, price even the salt and vinegar). Even better than Mother Hubbard’s just up the road. lick


33,579 posts

186 months

Thursday 6th July 2023
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Some say, the quality has declined a bit over the years? shout Giblet? wink