Fok Hing Gin : what happened ?

Fok Hing Gin : what happened ?


Steve Campbell

Original Poster:

2,207 posts

178 months

Saturday 1st July 2023
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Hi folks

Was looking to buy another bottle of Fok Hing 5 Blessings gin but looks like the regulator got to them late 21 or early 22 due to the name.

Does anyone know if they are still distilling the gin but under a different name ? Can’t seem to find anything about what subsequently happened after the regulator ruling.


567 posts

112 months

Saturday 1st July 2023
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Well as it was made by Incognito and this is the only gin they now produce I would suggest it’s this?

Steve Campbell

Original Poster:

2,207 posts

178 months

Saturday 1st July 2023
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5 Blessings was a special with hints of orange….sounds like it might have gone then :-(


1,669 posts

245 months

Monday 9th October 2023
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i muss this gin - couldn’t find an answer anywhere this little car forum is a gift that keeps on giving