Fissler Non Stick Frying Pans



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277 months

Friday 30th June 2023
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Has any one been using their catalogue non-stick frying pans and how have they faired up over time?

My reason is due to the Tesco voucher one I got back in 2013 (if you remember Tesco did collect vouchers and buy X at a lower price than the near similar official items from Swiss Gear bags, Thomas knives, and .... Fissler pans. I got a 24" frying pan and it has been superb and been heavily used and abused over the years, however now the non-stick lining is start to peel in a few small areas.

Before I consider splashing out (though Amazon seem to be selling the ones I'm looking at for £45-55, rather than the £65-95+ of else where) I'm intrigued to find out if anyone here has long term experience with one.