

Prisoner 24601

Original Poster:

590 posts

58 months

Friday 30th June 2023
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I believe there is already a thread dedicated to the Thermomix. A quick search indicates nobody has discussed the Tokit yet?

Does anyone here have a Tokit? I am considering one. I am a bit peeved, i have just read a UK based review from 1-2 years ago and at the end it shows the price as being £650, i thought that sounded pretty good and went off to search and buy one, only to find the price is now £1,200, almost double!! Very annoying.


12,087 posts

219 months

Friday 30th June 2023
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Discount code of TKMID (as per their website) brings the bundle down to £750.

Prisoner 24601

Original Poster:

590 posts

58 months

Friday 30th June 2023
quotequote all
wow - thank you