Meal Prep Companies



Original Poster:

3,144 posts

135 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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Has anyone used a meal prep delivery company.

I want to order some meals and just microwave for lunch at work, aiming to be healthy and simply when it boils down to it can't be bothered cooking at night and taking in the next day. On a health kick and want to take the thinking out of it.

I'll get a colleague to have the same as noted you need to order 2 meals a day at most places.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


340 posts

208 months

Saturday 22nd July 2023
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have been using prep kitchen for a long time and I would highly recommend


14,039 posts

225 months

Saturday 22nd July 2023
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Why not batch cook in advance?
Put the batchs in the freezer in individual portions and take them out aa you need them. They will be defrosted by lunchtime.


7,461 posts

217 months


2,016 posts

103 months

Saturday 22nd July 2023
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Well you live and learn. I had no idea this was even a thing. I thought you were talking about something like Gousto, or Cook;)