Do farm shops still exist?


Kermit power

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29,496 posts

223 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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The first few farm shops I went to years ago were just that. Yes, you might come away with cow st half way up to your knees, but you'd also be lugging a bloody great big box of the farm's own beef for 30-40% less than you'd pay fornl lower quality meat in a supermarket.

These days, the average "farm shop experience" seems to resemble nothing more than a corner shop that has raided the deli, cheese counter biscuit and chutney shelves of their local Waitrose and just doubled the price of everything to scam the gullible! :angry:

Does anyone happen to know of any proper traditional beef, poultry or pork farm shops selling their own meat anywhere in Surrey or the neighbouring bits of Sussex or Hampshire?

And before anyone smugly suggests that this is a Surrey problem, it really doesn't seem to be any different where my parents are in Somerset either!


5,267 posts

141 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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I have a really good one near me (Berkshire) but they don't deliver. Absolutely loved Padstow Farmshop, not cheap but the best lamb chops I've ever had. They used to have an online shop but it's closed for now. We try to find one whenever we're out and about to try local bits & bobs.

This one in Surrey looks the ticket?

Antony Moxey

9,120 posts

229 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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The farm shop that my boy’s a butcher at is a little bit as the OP describes, however their meat is either raised on their own farms or from farms within pretty much walking distance, and their sea food comes from their own fishing fleet. They also sell their own branded beers and spirits, and I think the majority of their deli products are locally sourced too.

They also deliver nationally too, internet orders are a not unreasonable proportion of their sales.


2,714 posts

131 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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Essington Fruit Farm, Butchery & Restaurant

A great place for the kids as well. Pick the fruit from the trees (they've started charging a minimum now as people would fill their faces before taking a barely empty punnet to the tills!).
Not just fruit, but you can pick all your veg if you're cooking a roast dinner at home.

They have a Herefordshire herd of cattle, and some pigs are kept opposite the farm. Can't remember if I've seen any fowl. They underwent a huge revamp to the farm shop about 8 years ago, sadly reflected in the prices.

Edited to add - sorry, just noticed you wanted suggestions in the SE! smile

Edited by Fastchas on Tuesday 13th June 13:27

Kermit power

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29,496 posts

223 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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twing said:
This one in Surrey looks the ticket?
This one, I'm afraid, is the very "farm shop" that started my internal rant in the first place!!! hehe The absolute epitome of what I'm trying to avoid! frown

Somerset apple juices, Isle of Wight tomatoes, cheeses from Snowdonia, Devon and lots of other places, pies from London, COOK frozen ready meals and lots, lots more, all in a clearly purpose-built, very expensive-looking building on a farm which itself grows/rears, er... I'm buggered if I can tell, as that seems to be of secondary importance to "Discovery Land" and the "Gift Barn" on the website! rolleyes

The good news is that I think I've just found exactly the sort of thing I'm looking for in Etherley Farm, so am planning to go and take a look...

Website that looks like it was created in the early noughties by a teenager doing a school project? Check!
Lots of detail about the livestock that they rear themselves? Check!
Per kg prices cheaper than Sainsburys? Check!

Fingers crossed it's as good as it sounds when I get there! smile


5,267 posts

141 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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Laughed at the ancient website comment! - I'll use that as a litmus test next time we're out searching for good ones beer


17,964 posts

175 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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Kermit power said:
The first few farm shops I went to years ago were just that. Yes, you might come away with cow st half way up to your knees, but you'd also be lugging a bloody great big box of the farm's own beef for 30-40% less than you'd pay fornl lower quality meat in a supermarket.

These days, the average "farm shop experience" seems to resemble nothing more than a corner shop that has raided the deli, cheese counter biscuit and chutney shelves of their local Waitrose and just doubled the price of everything to scam the gullible! :angry:

Does anyone happen to know of any proper traditional beef, poultry or pork farm shops selling their own meat anywhere in Surrey or the neighbouring bits of Sussex or Hampshire?

And before anyone smugly suggests that this is a Surrey problem, it really doesn't seem to be any different where my parents are in Somerset either!
Goodwood home farm, all meat is from the farm, milk and cheese also from the farm. The beer is brewed locally using barley from the farm.


3,485 posts

163 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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depends what you're after ?

Cowdray in Midhurst has a decent butchers! likewise Secretts garden centre in Milford has a good butchery too I believe...

Fore Left

1,530 posts

192 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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Lynchie999 said:
depends what you're after ?
That should be obvious from the opening post

Kermit power said:
cow st half way up to your knees


1,572 posts

197 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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Kermit power said:
These days, the average "farm shop experience" seems to resemble nothing more than a corner shop that has raided the deli, cheese counter biscuit and chutney shelves of their local Waitrose and just doubled the price of everything to scam the gullible! :angry:
Last year we had a week away, staying somewhere just outside Cheltenham, and found ourselves visiting this place - when our basket of items came in at over £100 it was something of a surprise.

I did keep the receipt for awhile, just for the shock value. The one that does stick in the memory were these crackers - currently available in major supermarkets for £2.50 - just £6.50 in the farm shop!

Edited by rah1888 on Tuesday 13th June 13:42


11,510 posts

179 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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About 10 years ago I did some work for a large cash & carry chain. Many of the "farm shops with hand reared locally culled meats" just buy their meat from the cash and carry and repackage it as their own. I got to know which ones were duff and which ones were genuine, and on the whole there are very few genuine ones left.

Teddy Lop

8,301 posts

77 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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You can't blame them for reacting to the market, ours was a bit farm shop shabby but always had a few trappings, but has since remodelled with more of that as the area gentrifies. Still has the best and pretty cheap chicken and eggs you can get though, very high quality/keenly priced meat, have to be careful as much of the fresh produce doesn't keep well in summer compared to supermarket fare but I guess that's because they're not pumping it full of stuff to make it.


17,964 posts

175 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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Lynchie999 said:
depends what you're after ?

Cowdray in Midhurst has a decent butchers! likewise Secretts garden centre in Milford has a good butchery too I believe...
Cowdray is nice but it’s more delicatessen than farm shop.


2,797 posts

29 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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Depends where you live, I live in countryside loads of proper one.

Kermit power

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29,496 posts

223 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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vikingaero said:
About 10 years ago I did some work for a large cash & carry chain. Many of the "farm shops with hand reared locally culled meats" just buy their meat from the cash and carry and repackage it as their own. I got to know which ones were duff and which ones were genuine, and on the whole there are very few genuine ones left.
I've just got back from Etherley farm, and I reckon they're definitely in the "genuine" bucket!

All meat reared on the farm, and I also met the visiting butcher, who was just finishing up a couple of their cows. smile

All in, £99.64 got me...

700g streaky bacon
2kg beef mince
8 duck burgers (1kg total)
400g duck breast
800g braising steak
500g stir fry beef stripe
600g feather steak
1.7kg brisket
750g apple juice

All the beef is grass fed, and the duck is free range. smile

Pretty pleased with that!


1,072 posts

23 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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twing said:
I have a really good one near me (Berkshire) but they don't deliver. Absolutely loved Padstow Farmshop, not cheap but the best lamb chops I've ever had. They used to have an online shop but it's closed for now. We try to find one whenever we're out and about to try local bits & bobs.

This one in Surrey looks the ticket?
Which one as I am also in Berks? I used to use Casey Fields / Vicars game as a lady nr me setup a business delivering their stuff locally which was great as their meat was excellent and a fish monger on site and I could just txt her an order but unfortunately she stopped.

5mins from is Lockey Farm Shop but I have never been that impressed by their meat. Just because something is called a farm shop and costs more doesn't mean its actually better. A lot of snobbery involved around such shops especially in this county.


3,817 posts

122 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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This place has always been good. On-site butchery, production kitchen and grow a lot if their own stuff.

Used to do a great cooked breakfast but not been there for a while.


4,604 posts

92 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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just use this OP

loads of field to gate around (at least in east saxonia and anglia and cornwall) its great resource, and they send you a box of fairfield crisps if you point out a producer they have missed.


1,240 posts

170 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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Went to my local farm shop late last week. Grabbed a steak and didn't look a the price, £20.40 for one that would have been about £5 in Lidl. Granted it was Waygu but still!


4,074 posts

280 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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We have loads here in Somerset, £4+ for a small crusty loaf?