Idahoan instant mash potato



Original Poster:

4,586 posts

57 months

Friday 2nd June 2023
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Why have I only found out about this now ranting beats Smash hands down which is my go-to since forever.

They only do like 2 serving size packets though.
Is there anywhere that does like a bigger packet/tin of the stuff you can get like Smash?


1,271 posts

164 months

Friday 2nd June 2023
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I like real mash.


Original Poster:

4,586 posts

57 months

Friday 2nd June 2023
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Yeah a lot of people do, but sometimes when you don't have potatoes lying around for real mash, instant mash is a decent substitute in my book.


2,199 posts

140 months

Friday 2nd June 2023
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My daughter loves this stuff. Quite expensive (for what it is) at full price, but it’s often on special offer.


1,271 posts

164 months

Friday 2nd June 2023
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Im willing to try it... where can i buy it?


Original Poster:

4,586 posts

57 months

Friday 2nd June 2023
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RedAndy said:
Im willing to try it... where can i buy it?
Tesco amongst other places, they do different flavours.
I've tried the buttery one and the cheese flavour so far.
Very nice.


3,816 posts

167 months

Saturday 3rd June 2023
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I would recommend the Tesco frozen mash, it’s a better compromise than the instant stuff.

Of course, it’s still no substitute for the real thing


26,272 posts

268 months

Thursday 29th June 2023
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Just found this thread. It's a big YES for me.........and finally for Wifey. She would refuse to even try them a few years back! A couple of fish pies, cottage pies and faggots with mash and onion gravy later I told Her rofl

Next up will be my all time winter warmer - layered cheese, onion and sliced potato using this............

My Father, god bless him would, not approve nono


13,968 posts

248 months

Thursday 29th June 2023
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As one of those ultra marathon wkers, I can attest to the quality of these little packets of carby goodness.