Charcoal smoker BBQ recommendations

Charcoal smoker BBQ recommendations



Original Poster:

29,594 posts

213 months

Monday 29th May 2023
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sorry if this has been done before... i see BBQ recommendations but not quite the sort of thing i am after!

I currently have a Landmann tennessee side box / offset smoker BBQ which is about 10 years old and it's end of life now.

Keen to replace with something similar - what sort of things would people recommend?


579 posts

117 months

Tuesday 30th May 2023
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I use my Komado Joe for smoking and bbq-ing, it is fantastic, I have a classic that is setup for smoking and a Big Joe 2 that I use with the Pizza thing and as a general bbq.

I use them all year round and find them absolutely excellent for maintaining a constant temp when cooking 'low n slow' especially when using the IKomand for overnight cooks.


59,863 posts

214 months

Tuesday 30th May 2023
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I was going to recommend what I have, but it's pretty much what you've got (might be a Kentucky rather than a Tennessee). It's a similar age, and also near end of life, living by saltwater doesn't do much for anything metal in the garden.