Coffee bags and machine recommendations.

Coffee bags and machine recommendations.



Original Poster:

3,226 posts

252 months

Saturday 27th May 2023
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I quite fancy a coffee bag based machine that is on standby for you to press the button.

Fill water reservoir, load coffee bag and it sits waiting for you to press the caffeine button.
Each cup would be progressively weaker but that might not be a bad thing and I'm from Yorkshire and want to eke out my bags.

I don't want to faff around with grinding or pods etc.

Any recommendations on simple machines and or bag brands from our resident gurus? Thanks.. coffee


24,314 posts

231 months

Saturday 27th May 2023
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Sage bean to cup and Hasbean for coffee…


Original Poster:

3,226 posts

252 months

Wednesday 31st May 2023
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Bump. Any other thoughts? Thanks