New Stick Blender



Original Poster:

5,118 posts

205 months

Friday 12th May 2023
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Any recommendations (or avoids) on a new stick blender?

Trusty Braun has given up the ghost, not surely are still about?

Thinking maybe a Duliat or Ninja?


397 posts

149 months

Friday 12th May 2023
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I don't have a whole lot of experience in stick blenders but the cheap one we had broke so went for the linked one (but seems to have gotten a power boost from 800 to 1000w since then)- it feels pretty well made and has enough power for anything I've needed it for, use it pretty regularly and had it since 2017.

The accessories it comes with are all really handy for making salsa, whipping cream and they haven't aged like some plastic kitchenware does.


119 posts

26 months

Friday 12th May 2023
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Bamix, the only one you’ll ever need.


1,587 posts

203 months

Friday 12th May 2023
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My Braun broke so replaced it with another. The bottom plastic part broke on both. Absolute ste.


3,452 posts

47 months

Saturday 13th May 2023
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We have had a Moulinex Turbomix for around 15 years, gets used a few times each week, never had a problem.


4,590 posts

197 months

Saturday 13th May 2023
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Jer_1974 said:
My Braun broke so replaced it with another. The bottom plastic part broke on both. Absolute ste.
The contrary for me: I've had one like this for what must be about 15+ years and it works and looks like new.

Dicky Knee

1,064 posts

141 months

Saturday 13th May 2023
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Junglebert said:
Bamix, the only one you’ll ever need.

Mrs Knee had one before we got together so the Bamix is at least 30 years old and still going strong.


5,382 posts

261 months

Saturday 13th May 2023
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Another vote for Bosch Ergomixx. We have the 800W version, there is a whole range of different power levels and some are pretty hefty and thick to hold. I’d suggest going somewhere with a wide range of hand blenders (for us, Debenhams on Oxford St in London) and see what feels good in your hand


Original Poster:

5,118 posts

205 months

Sunday 14th May 2023
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Thanks for the input guys, I have gone for the Nina 3 in 1 mainly because I was considering getting a cheap hand mixer (after whipping cream by hand at Xmas when everything else was in the dishwasher lol) in any case so this seems to kill 2 birds with one stone