Newton Abbot restaurant recommendations

Newton Abbot restaurant recommendations



Original Poster:

532 posts

73 months

Friday 28th April 2023
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Hi, as above any recommendations for a nice restaurant around the NA area, mid to upper price range and open on 30.04



2,789 posts

189 months

Friday 28th April 2023
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Nice and Newton Abbot are seldom words used in the same sentence!

Welcome Stranger , Pub near Liveton is good , between Newton and the moors


12,087 posts

219 months

Friday 28th April 2023
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What sort of thing are you after? Gastro pub or fine dining? Might need to venture out of newton itself a bit further afield.


12,164 posts

179 months

Saturday 29th April 2023
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Theres a great curry house in an industrial unit, Easyern Eye I think.

Coombe Cellars is nearby.


12,087 posts

219 months

Saturday 29th April 2023
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Can't really think of anyting in NA but a little further a field and only a few minutes away, Dartmoor Halfway Inn or the Cott Inn are pubs with reasonable food. If you go to Torquay there are a few restaurants but anything worthwhile is probably already booked for this weekend, you could try the elephant or if its sunny the cary arms is a lovely place to be outside but probably full.

Its worth expanding the area as there are some great places but you need to travel a bit and to be honest, bit late.

If you are can travel a bit then I recommend The Seahorse in Dartmouth or (a recent discovery) Andria, again Dartmouth.

Edited by 21TonyK on Saturday 29th April 09:08

the tribester

2,633 posts

96 months

Saturday 29th April 2023
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LordHaveMurci said:
Theres a great curry house in an industrial unit, Easyern Eye I think.

Coombe Cellars is nearby.
Eastern Eye is on Queen Street. close to the railway station.