Big Rib of Beef



Original Poster:

101 posts

210 months

Monday 24th April 2023
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So at Christmas 2021 I purchased a big 5 rib of beef from my local butchers, now because of one thing and another the meat never got cooked when I intended, and I stuck it in the freezer which is where’s it’s been ever since!

My question would be if it’s still safe to eat but more importantly the best way of cooking it, from experience any meat that’s been in freezer for a period of time usually looses a lot of its flavour so wasn’t sure if my usual technique of roasting it will be sufficient or if there is a better way.



1,883 posts

202 months

Monday 24th April 2023
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I wouldn’t


2,034 posts

33 months

Monday 24th April 2023
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No way would I cook and eat that. Never more than 6 months in a freezer.


54,898 posts

265 months

Monday 24th April 2023
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I would, if it smells ok when defrosted. But I wouldn't feed it to guests as it'll have deteriorated.


20,553 posts

196 months

Monday 24th April 2023
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If its not got freezer burn it will be safe to eat, I would defrost properly and cook as usual.


1,090 posts

82 months

Monday 24th April 2023
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Is it vacuum sealed? Would help increase the chances of it being ok...

Defrost it, then judge it. It will take over 24hrs to fully defrost in the fridge so you will have plenty of time to make a judgement on the condition of it during that period.

Cooking it, personally I would go super low and slow. 60C oven for many hours until its at your desired temp.

This was a 3kg rib cooked for 6 hours at 60C

Fast and Spurious

1,631 posts

98 months

Monday 24th April 2023
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Audis5b9 said:
Is it vacuum sealed? Would help increase the chances of it being ok...

Defrost it, then judge it. It will take over 24hrs to fully defrost in the fridge so you will have plenty of time to make a judgement on the condition of it during that period.

Cooking it, personally I would go super low and slow. 60C oven for many hours until its at your desired temp.

This was a 3kg rib cooked for 6 hours at 60C

Is that a before or after pic?


18,513 posts

199 months

Monday 24th April 2023
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So long as your freezer is -18c or below its ok. Your main issue will be freezer burn. Rib is fairly strong flavour anyway so should still taste good.


14,040 posts

225 months

Monday 24th April 2023
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I would get it thawed out and make a judgement call.
If the beef has lost texture etc you can always dice it up in to a stew or burgers.
Freezer burn is the biggest issue you could have if its not been properly wrapped up all this time.

Douglas Quaid

2,506 posts

95 months

Monday 24th April 2023
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Audis5b9 said:
Is it vacuum sealed? Would help increase the chances of it being ok...

Defrost it, then judge it. It will take over 24hrs to fully defrost in the fridge so you will have plenty of time to make a judgement on the condition of it during that period.

Cooking it, personally I would go super low and slow. 60C oven for many hours until its at your desired temp.

This was a 3kg rib cooked for 6 hours at 60C

That is very rare. Bet it tasted good. it looks like it has been drained of blood and cut up ready to eat.


3,086 posts

168 months

Tuesday 25th April 2023
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Douglas Quaid said:
Audis5b9 said:
Is it vacuum sealed? Would help increase the chances of it being ok...

Defrost it, then judge it. It will take over 24hrs to fully defrost in the fridge so you will have plenty of time to make a judgement on the condition of it during that period.

Cooking it, personally I would go super low and slow. 60C oven for many hours until its at your desired temp.

This was a 3kg rib cooked for 6 hours at 60C

That is very rare. Bet it tasted good. it looks like it has been drained of blood and cut up ready to eat.
Not so much rare as more like a corned beef/pastrami style texture, it looks to me.


3,997 posts

242 months

Tuesday 25th April 2023
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As long as the freezer is running properly it’ll be perfectly safe, freezer burn is a quality issue, not a safety one


1,090 posts

82 months

Tuesday 25th April 2023
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it was incredibly tender beef, not like corned beef/ pastrami at all.

The texture looks loose as the meat never was exposed to high heat the muscles never constricted and tightened up.

The final internal temp is considered well within med rare territory, its just that its edge to edge due to the low/ slow method that throws people off.


2,016 posts

103 months

Tuesday 25th April 2023
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I would expect to be able to safely eat that roasted, subject to smell/sight check once defrosted. It may not be quite at its best in terms of texture and flavour however.

Have a go - if it's below par roasted you could use the leftovers to make a curry or rendang.


409 posts

23 months

Tuesday 25th April 2023
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Cook , eat and enjoy it. I've got joints in my freezer that have been there 2 years

Mobile Chicane

21,398 posts

222 months

Tuesday 25th April 2023
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The fat component might be rancid after that amount of time. Defrost and sniff.

Far Cough

2,351 posts

178 months

Tuesday 25th April 2023
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I`m sure it would be fine HOWEVER, I would defrost and make a judgement call. You will know if its ok by smell.

Just dont organise a massive dinner party and rely on it feeding everyone if it then smells off !!!!


12,087 posts

219 months

Tuesday 25th April 2023
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Aside from the previous posts about freezer burn and fat you need to be very careful about defrosting something so big. It needs to be in the fridge for 2-3 days which asks the question how "old" was is when it was frozen because that will have taken 24-48 hours. You might find it starts to spoil before its fully defrosted. Worth a try but don't plan anything around it. If you can I'd cut it down whilst frozen then defrost smaller pieces.

If you are inclined the whole thing could be defrosted them trimmed which should be fine and could actually give reasonable results if cooked carefully.


49 posts

24 months

Tuesday 25th April 2023
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It will be absolutely safe to eat and meat can be stored in a freezer indefinitely. You may have lost some taste and texture, but it will be perfectly safe.


4,620 posts

136 months

Tuesday 25th April 2023
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My two year old lamb chops tasted fine the other night... I'm also still alive.