‘My mum’s’ food line



Original Poster:

6,758 posts

173 months

Monday 10th April 2023
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Firstly stoppit, and comments about ‘and your mum’ will be ignored…

Anyone remember this discount line sold in village shops etc in the 80’s?

I seem to remember every package was yellow and had some form of ‘humorous’ comment on the packet (e.g. cartoon of a kid on a can of cola saying ‘puts bubbles up my nose).


20,553 posts

196 months

Monday 10th April 2023
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What region?
It was Happy Shopper in the small shops around here.


201 posts

90 months

Monday 10th April 2023
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I remember them. I think happy shopper came afterwards.


Original Poster:

6,758 posts

173 months

Monday 10th April 2023
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dudleybloke said:
What region?
It was Happy Shopper in the small shops around here.
Oop north, Carlisle


2,734 posts

107 months

Monday 10th April 2023
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ChevronB19 said:
Firstly stoppit, and comments about ‘and your mum’ will be ignored…

Anyone remember this discount line sold in village shops etc in the 80’s?

I seem to remember every package was yellow and had some form of ‘humorous’ comment on the packet (e.g. cartoon of a kid on a can of cola saying ‘puts bubbles up my nose).
My Mums was a brand of Linfood cash and carry. Booker bought Linfoods and continued to use their Happy Shopper brand rather than My Mums.