Pulled leg of lamb



Original Poster:

7,838 posts

229 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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I’m going to try and do this for a small family get together at the weekend. One member is fairly ill, and has limited strength to wield cutlery. He loves lamb so was thinking of something along these lines to enable him to enjoy the fall off the bone and shreddded meat, perhaps with Moroccan influences? I’ve read through multiple recipes, but does anybody here have any essential tips or tricks that they’ve mastered? Thank you, as always.


2,033 posts

224 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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Do you already have the leg joint?

If not, them a lamb shoulder (cooked slowly) is perfect for pulling. We've done this recipe several times and it is superb


Sometimes we've layered up other root vegetables with the potatoes for extra variety.


2,329 posts

40 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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Yes, lamb shoulder would be better for pulling off the bone and shredding. The bone will probably just slide out with no effort at all. In a slow cooker is a good bet if you have one, along with the veg.

If you want it a bit pink then you can afford to under-do the meat a little as it will continue to cook slightly when it's covered in foil and resting on the side sucking up all the juices, ideally for at least 15 minutes until everything else is ready to be served.


897 posts

159 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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Shoulder of lamb cooked in foil for 4-6 hours served with gremolata and home made naan.

Alternatively greek style whole leg wrapped in a foil parcel with lots of potatoes, whole onions, wedges of lemon, olive oil, lots of whole peeled garlic cloves, fresh marjoram bay and a splash of wine. Seal the package and slow roast for a few hours.

Herdwick works great for these dishes if you can get it.


4,021 posts

124 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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I've not tried it, but this recipe always sounded great:


Otherwise, lamb tagine?


Original Poster:

7,838 posts

229 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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Thankyou so far everyone. Already have the lamb leg ( well, two actually as they were half price, and man maths…) I don’t have a slow cooker, so it’ll be either long and slow in the oven, or in a big crock pot dead slow on the induction hob.


3,822 posts

279 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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normalbloke said:
Thankyou so far everyone. Already have the lamb leg ( well, two actually as they were half price, and man maths…) I don’t have a slow cooker, so it’ll be either long and slow in the oven, or in a big crock pot dead slow on the induction hob.
Big pot on the hob is how I cook a shoulder (or two). Sprinkle liberally with salt and cinnamon. Cover and put on a low heat (setting 3-4 on our hob). Yes, no other liquid needed. Really! Trust the process.

Cook for at least 6 hours (yes really, I aim for 7 hours). Turn once an hour. It'll take until hour 3 for the effects of cooking to be apparent. At the end the meat will be in a pool of lovely tasty liquid, and the meat will be so tender the joint can't be turned over, it shreds instead.