Tater Tots in the UK



Original Poster:

40,647 posts

294 months

Friday 31st March 2023
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I often see Tater Tots used in, albeit not high class, American recepies but never seen them in the UK.

However I just spotted Hash Brown Bites in Sainsbury's "Potato bites from lightly seasoned shredded potato, pre-fried and frozen"
Is this the same thing?

Edited by Cotty on Friday 31st March 23:14


1,638 posts

190 months

Friday 31st March 2023
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Yes, they look pretty much like Tater Tots.

Morrisons also do something similar.

Are you planning a casserole?


Original Poster:

40,647 posts

294 months

Friday 31st March 2023
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Frankthered said:
Are you planning a casserole?
A breakfast casserole? I did one a while ago, could revisit it.


4,651 posts

89 months

Friday 31st March 2023
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The only way I knew these existed was from mentions on The Big Bang Theory , apart from being tater potato based ,not much idea what they actually were .
Suppose I could have googled it if I had to .


1,638 posts

190 months

Friday 31st March 2023
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Looks nice, but no, I meant a Tater Tot casserole:


Original Poster:

40,647 posts

294 months

Friday 31st March 2023
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BananaFama said:

Suppose I could have googled it if I had to .
I did have a look but the results didn't match. Just thought someone on here could clarify.

Edited by Cotty on Saturday 1st April 00:08


7,838 posts

229 months

Saturday 1st April 2023
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One of our local breakfast venues does ‘em. Josie’s. They are very moreish as a rare treat.


12,278 posts

118 months

Saturday 1st April 2023
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Yeah they’re the same. Afaik tater tots is like a brand name.

A burger place we go to deep fries them. So good.

Short Grain

3,128 posts

230 months

Saturday 1st April 2023
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Quite a thing on DDD with Guy Fieri. Was often seen singing their virtues at different diners, Americans love 'em! I'll have to look out when I'm next in Sainsburys.