Carvadale Milk


Oliver Hardy

Original Poster:

3,008 posts

84 months

Friday 31st March 2023
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Been using it for a while but recently when I tried to froth the milk for for a cappuccino it remains flat. Bought a new frother, same resault, so bought some milk from the Coop today and it works fine.

Anyone think of a reason?


14,040 posts

225 months

Friday 31st March 2023
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I would assume its to do with whats filtered out in the case of cravendale.
Whole milk foams better than semi skimmed for instance.

Oliver Hardy

Original Poster:

3,008 posts

84 months

Friday 31st March 2023
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sherman said:
I would assume its to do with whats filtered out in the case of cravendale.
Whole milk foams better than semi skimmed for instance.
Been using it for years, it is the last two bottles, wonder if it is increased water?


14,040 posts

225 months

Friday 31st March 2023
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The cows might not be out of the sheds on the spring grass yet. A winter of silage will be taking an affect.
Persevere and it will get better.


42,529 posts

200 months

Saturday 1st April 2023
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not to be 'that guy', but I assume you mean Cravendale?


4,052 posts

226 months

Saturday 1st April 2023
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They is normally a couple of weeks, twice a year when the fat content of most milk changes and stops steaming as per normal. As someone above said, it’s when the feed changes and the cows are adjusting.


1,635 posts

140 months

Saturday 1st April 2023
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Perhaps Carvadale is some Lidl knock-off, can’t be sure they are typos any more!