

Gary C

Original Poster:

13,316 posts

189 months

Sunday 26th March 2023
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Does anyone know anything about Rijo42 machines ?

We have a Brasil high gloss that is showing Grinder 1 & Grinder 2 blocked messages even though the grinders are not blocked and they wont go away. It will make a cup of ground coffee in test mode but then goes back to Grinder 1 & 2 blocked when it completes.

Can't find anything online to help.

Can I do a factory reset somehow ? are there any diagrams or manuals ?

They seem to have all info locked down and want a tidy sum to come and fix it.

Cheers smile

Gary C

Original Poster:

13,316 posts

189 months

Wednesday 29th March 2023
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So the Rijo42 spies have subverted even Pistonheads !

'Not a bean (sic) of information is available' to quote the boss.

anyone ?

Gary C

Original Poster:

13,316 posts

189 months

Thursday 30th March 2023
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All I have found so far is its actually made by Aequator

But still cant find any more info