Pizza…. Made from pork crackling

Pizza…. Made from pork crackling



Original Poster:

18,640 posts

210 months

Tuesday 14th March 2023
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Who is going to be the first to try and make this?


12,249 posts

294 months

Wednesday 15th March 2023
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In 25 years of using this website I have not seen a thread title that has made me click as quickly.


10,556 posts

170 months

Monday 24th April 2023
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Truckosaurus said:
In 25 years of using this website I have not seen a thread title that has made me click as quickly.
rofl Me neither!


148 posts

70 months

Sunday 30th April 2023
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Sounds like a Keto thing.


9,636 posts

116 months

Sunday 30th April 2023
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Looks amazing… but making it so that it isn’t harder to bite into than the plate it’s served on is the trick.


12,087 posts

219 months

Sunday 30th April 2023
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abzmike said:
making it so that it isn’t harder to bite into than the plate it’s served on is the trick.
Simmer the skin, cut, dehydrate then precook.

Basically a pork quaver.