"Air up" bottles - any thoughts?

"Air up" bottles - any thoughts?



Original Poster:

2,533 posts

233 months

Thursday 9th March 2023
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As per the title really. Bottle has a scent capsule so although you're drinking plain water, you still get a flavour.

Daughter is after one and I also quite like the idea, although at over £30 for the bottle I'm reluctant to get one if it's crap.


14,040 posts

225 months

Thursday 9th March 2023
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You could just buy diluting juice/cordial/squash?


1,554 posts

228 months

Thursday 9th March 2023
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Bought my niece one for Xmas, i think it was too expensive but thats what she wanted.

Apparently she's drank from it every day since, which can be no bad thing i guess.

Definately a marketing hype type product though, there is nothing really special about it at all


628 posts

225 months

Thursday 9th March 2023
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My kids have them, I agree they're expensive - the capsules aren't cheap either. I seem to remember they took a long time to arrive - but this was a year ago.

One thing, is the top doesn't screw on - it just pushes on - so they can leak if left in a school bag.

However, they enjoy trying the flavours out and it does (I think) encourage them to drink more which is something.


2,754 posts

205 months

Thursday 9th March 2023
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My 2 kids bought their own around 6 months ago - one still uses it everyday, the other bottle sits in the cupboard.

Clever system that does work, worth noting the bottles are quite tall.


4,590 posts

197 months

Friday 10th March 2023
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Oh my, I don't mind a frivolous purchase, but these are beyond my marker biggrin.

Interesting though, shows how much of our 'taste' comes from smell. We'll all know this from when we have a cold of course.

I grabbed this aspirational picture from their site - it's so good you'll want to spit it out to show it!