Old golden hen



Original Poster:

27,714 posts

193 months

Tuesday 28th February 2023
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Mrs PR saw this for sale in Morrissons for £1 a bottle, anyone know what it's like? I'm not much of a fan of old speckled hen although I'm quite partial to old crafty hen and proper job.

I know the simple answer is to try a bottle but it's a special trip, not worth it for just one.


7,487 posts

138 months

Tuesday 28th February 2023
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PositronicRay said:
Mrs PR saw this for sale in Morrissons for £1 a bottle, anyone know what it's like? I'm not much of a fan of old speckled hen although I'm quite partial to old crafty hen and proper job.

I know the simple answer is to try a bottle but it's a special trip, not worth it for just one.
It's a fairly standard and boring golden ale with a low % alcohol.

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

30,763 posts

245 months

Tuesday 28th February 2023
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It's beer, it's a £1 a bottle what can go wrong? (assuming the bottle is 500cc not 50cc biggrin)


Original Poster:

27,714 posts

193 months

Tuesday 28th February 2023
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Lotobear said:
PositronicRay said:
Mrs PR saw this for sale in Morrissons for £1 a bottle, anyone know what it's like? I'm not much of a fan of old speckled hen although I'm quite partial to old crafty hen and proper job.

I know the simple answer is to try a bottle but it's a special trip, not worth it for just one.
It's a fairly standard and boring golden ale with a low % alcohol.
Thank you, suspected as much.