Braised Steak



Original Poster:

3,949 posts

145 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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Out for a few beers tomorrow afternoon and planning on getting this going before leaving home . Carrots shallots celery garlic red wine beef stock thyme and a bay leaf . Just interested in some other ideas if anyone feels inclined ? Cooking for two btw .


14,040 posts

225 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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Remember to colour the steak in a frying pan quickly first.

Serve with Dauphinoise potatoes and more veg lick


1,471 posts

55 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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Keep roughly the same ingredients but instead of wine use Guinness. Get a nice brown colour to your steak then the same for your vegs plus a spoon a tomato paste . A thick slice of smoked bacon will had that extra smokey feel to your dish.

Serve it with some thick chips with bacon dust and you are on for a lovely hearty dinner!


Original Poster:

3,949 posts

145 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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Will be giving it a good sear first for sure , Guinness is out as I'll be drinking it all and Mrs fttm reckons it's too bitter , but good shout on the tomato paste , slug of Lea and Perrins ?


6,508 posts

153 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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Yes to the black sauce, could add mushrooms, too.


219 posts

208 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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I am Dutch so my braised steak is more of a "zuurvlees" or "sour meat" with the addition of vinegar and sugar to the braising liquid. Oh, and a couple of cloves.

hairy v

1,313 posts

154 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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fttm said:
Will be giving it a good sear first for sure , Guinness is out as I'll be drinking it all and Mrs fttm reckons it's too bitter , but good shout on the tomato paste , slug of Lea and Perrins ?
Instead of Guiness use Old Peculier.