Cheese and wine



Original Poster:

12,074 posts

171 months

Sunday 19th February 2023
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I love cheese and I love wine… I have many fave combos… sitting here watching bake off with a Malbec and an extra mature cheddar at the mo….

What’s your fave?


3,972 posts

156 months

Sunday 19th February 2023
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Dairylea or if I'm feeling sophisticated Laughing Cow and a glass of Carling.


14,040 posts

225 months

Sunday 19th February 2023
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Montepulciano d'Abruzzo

Baked Camenbert and warm crusty bread for dipping.


8,236 posts

90 months

Sunday 19th February 2023
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blingybongy said:
Dairylea or if I'm feeling sophisticated Laughing Cow and a glass of Carling.
No need for a flex that strong.


1,660 posts

144 months

Sunday 19th February 2023
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Scabutz said:
blingybongy said:
Dairylea or if I'm feeling sophisticated Laughing Cow and a glass of Carling.
No need for a flex that strong.
Babybel over here little man


10,741 posts

294 months

Sunday 19th February 2023
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Plastic burger cheese slices and Blue Nun.


14,847 posts

148 months

Sunday 19th February 2023
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Primula and a nice 0% Nosecco.


14,040 posts

225 months

Sunday 19th February 2023
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thebraketester said:
Primula and a nice 0% Nosecco.

Mobile Chicane

21,398 posts

222 months

Sunday 19th February 2023
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Epoisses de Bourgogne and Passetoutgrains.

Super Sonic

7,882 posts

64 months

Sunday 19th February 2023
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Castillo spready blue on digestive biscuits w summer fruit squash.


1,660 posts

144 months

Monday 20th February 2023
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But to stop derailing, you are right. Cheese and biscuits is ace, I have it every night. Usually with a hot chocolate to be fair but red wine is also brill.


3,816 posts

167 months

Monday 20th February 2023
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I love a good port and Stilton, assuming no has nosed the Stilton before I’ve gotten to it.


Original Poster:

12,074 posts

171 months

Monday 20th February 2023
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Bang on with the port and biscuits, my fave cheese with this is properly ripe dolce latte love


8,236 posts

90 months

Monday 20th February 2023
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I love wine and cheese. Too much. My BP and Cholesterol means I'm on restricted duties where these two are concerned for the time being.

Favourite is a nice strong French red. Bordeaux or Chateau Nerf du Pape. Absolutely sacrilegious paring with a whipcracking English cheddar.


7,487 posts

138 months

Monday 20th February 2023
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Tallegio, on a cracker, with a glass of Amarone...mmmm

Nico Adie

630 posts

53 months

Monday 20th February 2023
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Roquefort and a good Languedoc red


3,727 posts

217 months

Monday 20th February 2023
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Something blue and salty with a glass of chilled, sweet wine.


12,249 posts

294 months

Tuesday 21st February 2023
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blingybongy said:
.... if I'm feeling sophisticated Laughing Cow ....
Just use it's French name and, as with all dishes, it is 100% more classy.


2,977 posts

262 months

Tuesday 21st February 2023
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Don't forget white wine and cheese as a pairing

Goaty cheese (slightly ammoniacal and herby) and sauvignon blanc. Sancerre, or other Loire SB I really like - for me probably tops any red wine and cheese combo. Definitely for a warm summer's day not a February evening though

Mountain cheeses and local Jura or Savoie whites can be great. Super oily old school Aussie and California chardonnays can do this too also good with cheddar

Off dry things like chenin blanc (eg. Vouvray) can be useful with a variety of cheeses. Chenin blanc is super versatile and can be anything from light and crisp apply wine to glutinous sweet age worthy wines

Sweet whites with a bit of balancing acidity can be awesome with blue cheese

I think white wines suit the celery grapes and nut thing better than reds too


3,972 posts

156 months

Tuesday 21st February 2023
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Truckosaurus said:
blingybongy said:
.... if I'm feeling sophisticated Laughing Cow ....
Just use it's French name and, as with all dishes, it is 100% more classy.

Can't pronounce it.