Channel Tunnel wine



Original Poster:

40,649 posts

294 months

Saturday 11th February 2023
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My mum has this bottle of wine and was wondering if I could find any info, thought someone might know


3,452 posts

47 months

Sunday 12th February 2023
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Cotty said:
My mum has this bottle of wine and was wondering if I could find any info, thought someone might know

The AOC Buzet, is from the Lot-Garonne region in South West France. The red wines use the Cabernet Suvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Malbec grapes, so have the capability of ageing, which is good given the vintage on that bottle.


Original Poster:

40,649 posts

294 months

Sunday 12th February 2023
quotequote all
Thanks for that.
I wonder what the connection with the tunnel is about.

Also she does not drink red and wondered if it might be worth anything.

Edited by Cotty on Sunday 12th February 13:35


8,727 posts

205 months

Sunday 12th February 2023
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It’s probably a commemorative bottle for the opening of the tunnel rather than a fantastic vintage.


3,452 posts

47 months

Sunday 12th February 2023
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greygoose said:
It’s probably a commemorative bottle for the opening of the tunnel rather than a fantastic vintage.
I just checked, it was an awful vintage in the Bordeaux area because of the heavy rainfall.


4,605 posts

92 months

Monday 13th February 2023
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still worth keeping hold of and not drinking (especially if it was a crap vintage) as nothing to lose in hoping in 30 years some collector may take a fancy to it for its chunnel connections.