Calling MEATER users - ambient temps?

Calling MEATER users - ambient temps?



Original Poster:

9,960 posts

188 months

Tuesday 7th February 2023
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For a while I was 'accusing' both of my relatively new Neff ovens of being useless as running at the temperature I set it to - when cooking a nice thick steak with my MEATER, I'd need to set the oven to about 85 to get 100 ambient temp reported by the MEATER.

BUT, my friend who was looking into this 'mystery' has reported back that he's starting to think it's the MEATER that is inaccurately reporting the ambient temp, not the oven.

Anyone got any thoughts on this? I did actually email NEFF and they told me that they have a tolerance of +/- 15 degrees, so setting it to 85 to read 100 is just about within the range.
But doing a bit of reading suggests the MEATER isn't the best at reporting an accurate ambient temp.....


227 posts

58 months

Tuesday 7th February 2023
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Can't you just calibrate it with some boiling water and some ice?


Original Poster:

9,960 posts

188 months

Tuesday 7th February 2023
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witten said:
Can't you just calibrate it with some boiling water and some ice?
Not sure what you mean? Am I being dumb?


2,521 posts

277 months

Tuesday 7th February 2023
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UTH said:
witten said:
Can't you just calibrate it with some boiling water and some ice?
Not sure what you mean? Am I being dumb?
Bring a pan of water to the boil, insert the MEATER and see what temperature it records.


Original Poster:

9,960 posts

188 months

Tuesday 7th February 2023
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dapprman said:
UTH said:
witten said:
Can't you just calibrate it with some boiling water and some ice?
Not sure what you mean? Am I being dumb?
Bring a pan of water to the boil, insert the MEATER and see what temperature it records.
Oh I see, so I can't actually recalibrate but just find out how accurate it it. Good idea.


2,736 posts

107 months

Tuesday 7th February 2023
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Repeat with iced water, you then have two accurate points of known values.

It’s how we check (& the environmental health recommend) our temp probes.


4,002 posts

242 months

Tuesday 7th February 2023
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No-one should be selling a temperature probe with an accuracy range of 15 degrees, never mind +/- 15 degrees, either would make it unsafe to use


3,503 posts

247 months

Tuesday 7th February 2023
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Chucked mine out wasn’t at all accurate (even after “calibrating”). Contacted them and they were singularly unhelpful. Fortunately recouped the cost on my credit card.


Original Poster:

9,960 posts

188 months

Tuesday 7th February 2023
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Apart from my doubts over the ambient temp, I must say it has never failed to give me a perfect cook, so clearly the internal reading is accurate. And after all, that’s what it’s there to do really.


2,736 posts

107 months

Tuesday 7th February 2023
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FredericRobinson said:
No-one should be selling a temperature probe with an accuracy range of 15 degrees, never mind +/- 15 degrees, either would make it unsafe to use
It’s quite common for ovens to be about ~10C out. You just accommodate and adjust the cooking temps / times accordingly. It’s a learning curve and you go through with any new oven.

If it is the meater probe that is 15C out then that needs replacing, but the OP needs to check as already discussed.


3,503 posts

247 months

Tuesday 7th February 2023
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UTH said:
Apart from my doubts over the ambient temp, I must say it has never failed to give me a perfect cook, so clearly the internal reading is accurate. And after all, that’s what it’s there to do really.
Mine did neither accurately. Maybe I was unlucky but if that’s the case curious the makers didn’t send a replacement.


Original Poster:

9,960 posts

188 months

Tuesday 7th February 2023
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85Carrera said:
UTH said:
Apart from my doubts over the ambient temp, I must say it has never failed to give me a perfect cook, so clearly the internal reading is accurate. And after all, that’s what it’s there to do really.
Mine did neither accurately. Maybe I was unlucky but if that’s the case curious the makers didn’t send a replacement.
Yeah that isn’t right. Every time I carve beef/steak at 55 degrees it’s exactly what I was hoping for.