Scrambled Eggs


Prisoner 24601

Original Poster:

590 posts

58 months

Saturday 4th February 2023
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What is the shortest amount of time you can scramble an egg? I have just done 7 seconds on high heat....then splashed with soy sauce once out the pan. Tastes good.

BoRED S2upid

20,427 posts

250 months

Saturday 4th February 2023
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A single egg?

Prisoner 24601

Original Poster:

590 posts

58 months

Sunday 5th February 2023
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BoRED S2upid said:
A single egg?


1,462 posts

157 months

Sunday 5th February 2023
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Is it not a bit more like a cut up fried egg at that speed? It takes me at least as long as it takes to cut bread and toast it for me.


5,613 posts

31 months

Sunday 5th February 2023
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Are you including TTB in that 7 seconds?
What about the PPW step?

Prisoner 24601

Original Poster:

590 posts

58 months

Sunday 5th February 2023
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cml24 said:
Is it not a bit more like a cut up fried egg at that speed? It takes me at least as long as it takes to cut bread and toast it for me.
Whooaa - 3-4 mins scrambled eggs?


5,613 posts

31 months

Sunday 5th February 2023
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I also do mine very slowly over a low heat, 3-4 mins, seems to me more or less essential to have the ‘silkyness’ of good scrambled eggs?

Prisoner 24601

Original Poster:

590 posts

58 months

Sunday 5th February 2023
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Oh fair enough, maybe i am missing something.

I like them a little runny, not too runny. Less than 10 seconds is usually fine. #

1-2 eggs in a cup and beat thoroughly. Then butter in a high pan for a minute or so. Then whop the eggs in and stir thoroughly. 10 seconds - out and done!


8,528 posts

148 months

Sunday 5th February 2023
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Life's too short!

Whisked in a jug and microwaved - for one minute per egg.


Riley Blue

21,882 posts

236 months

Monday 6th February 2023
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Five eggs in a bowl, puncture the yolks, don't whisk. Add three tablespoons of double cream.

Heat a heavy-based pan over medium heat, add 100gms butter plus a pinch of salt and grind a couple of twists of pepper in. When butter is melted add eggs, reduce heat and stir with a wooden spoon in one direction only, making sure none of the egg sticks to the pan.

When it like thick, lumpy custard remove from heat and stir a little more.

That's scrambled eggs according to John Torode, it works for me.


5,139 posts

35 months

Monday 6th February 2023
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Riley Blue said:
Five eggs in a bowl, puncture the yolks, don't whisk. Add three tablespoons of double cream.

Heat a heavy-based pan over medium heat, add 100gms butter plus a pinch of salt and grind a couple of twists of pepper in. When butter is melted add eggs, reduce heat and stir with a wooden spoon in one direction only, making sure none of the egg sticks to the pan.

When it like thick, lumpy custard remove from heat and stir a little more.

That's scrambled eggs according to John Torode, it works for me.
That's pretty much how I cook it except it's full fat milk instead of double cream and I whisk with a fork. The toast goes in at the same time as the butter and once the eggs go in the toast gets buttered.


5,613 posts

31 months

Monday 6th February 2023
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It’s impossible to stir in one direction as it’s a circular motion and therefore the spoon moves in all directions within one plane.


31,971 posts

243 months

Monday 6th February 2023
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More like 5 mins.

Low and slow. Five eggs, punctured and mixed. Medium hot pan. Butter. Aiming for a thick, smooth custard with big lumps in it.

More like this -

than this -


3,822 posts

279 months

Monday 6th February 2023
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If you flash fry eggs to scramble them, you lose all that custardy creaminess taste and texture. I follow the low and slow method. It takes a good ten minutes of constant stirring to get there but they taste amazing....


14,847 posts

148 months

Monday 6th February 2023
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Strange flex….


12,088 posts

219 months

Monday 6th February 2023
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thebraketester said:
Strange flex….
Even stranger scambled eggs.


9,631 posts

265 months

Monday 6th February 2023
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21TonyK said:
thebraketester said:
Strange flex….
Even stranger scambled eggs.
7 seconds? Pah. I crack eggs directly into my mouth and scramble them by gargling.


4,955 posts

160 months

Monday 6th February 2023
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Lots of Youtube videos on perfect scrambled eggs but this guy says three eggs plus one yolk, and after adding salt and mixing, leave 15 minutes before cooking.

I tried it once, and it really does help, but too inconvenient for the real world.


9,923 posts

149 months

Monday 6th February 2023
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deckster said:
21TonyK said:
thebraketester said:
Strange flex….
Even stranger scambled eggs.
7 seconds? Pah. I crack eggs directly into my mouth and scramble them by gargling.
I once went out with a girl that.... oh nevermind!


2,499 posts

193 months

Monday 6th February 2023
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Always do it like Gordon Ramsay's Scrambled Eggs youtube video minus the chives.